First Day Of 10th Grade Part 2

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After the bell rang we got up and went to our next class which was reading as me and my best friends walked to class as I walked I saw the same girl from this morning in the hall way standing talking to her friends I guess I not for sure though but anyways all of the students was standing up for so reason I guess the new teacher of reading is going to get us a seat to sit in for the rest of the year I guess. Hello everyone my name is Mr. James and im going to give you a seat to sit in for the rest of the year as I call your name please take your right seat. As I said I was right about the seat thing. But I hope I sit next to that girl from earlier I said mumbling under my breath. Jacob you sit with Erica, Fred you sit with Skyler,Brittany you sit with Diana, Derrick you sit with Taylor, Tiera you sit with.....I hope is her I hope is her I hope is herrrr I said pleasing under my breath, Brianna I was happy too so I hurried and sit next to her real fast. And last Xavier you sit with Sebastian. I though in my mind and said to myself so that's her name from earlier mumbling under my breath.

As our teacher gave us an assignment on grammer and reading comprehension we get to work with the parnter that was next to us, Brianna turn around towards me and was staring really hard at my face for like a good 5 minutes as I sat next to her. Then I turned around towards her then she turn the other way like she wasn't just looking at me. I knew she was up to something."Okay class lets get started with the assignment you have an hour to finish before lunch time"said Mr. James. So me and Brianna worked together and was half way finish after 30 minutes went past. We was really working together filling in the right gammer and reading the story and answer 10 questions. We was done 10 minutes before it was lunch time and so was Taylor and Derrick. Then Brianna looked at me and said"Hey um I kind of need a tutor for social studies I was hoping you would like to tutor me if you want you dont have to i'll just get someone else"she said while nervously asking me."I would love to tutor people especially you".I said smiling. "Good um I'll give you my address to my house and we'll study there sounds cool."she said while giving me her address. "Yeah sure". I said. Then after that the bell ring to go to lunch. So eveyone got up and headed out the door to the cafeteria. As we walked to the cafeteria me,Brianna,Talyor,and Derrick walked in line to get our lunch. After we got our tray, 2 of Brianna's friends was calling her to their favorite table which was all the way in the back of the cafeteria. So she said"Y'all could come too they wouldn't mind at all". After she said that we follow her to the table then sat down. As we sat down 1 of the girls said"Hey guys my name is Diana and this is Brittany"she said while the other one waved at us. We said hey back then,we started eatimg our food we had pizza for lunch which was eveyone favorite Little Ceaser Monday's we always have this ever since 9th grade. After we ate and talked for 30 minutes the bell rang to go the our next class which wa social studies. Everyone got up and headed out the door and to class.

Me,my best friends,and Brianna we all headed to social studies."Hi everyone my name is Ms. Bracy and im your new social studies teacher so lets get started with our lesson. As we sat together and started doing our work which was very very easy everyone should get and A in her class. Students wasn't doing their work,there were on their phones,playing music,throwing paper and being disrespectful to Ms. Bracy I dont know why but thats very mean. As we got done with our work we was talking for a good 30 minutes until it was time to go to science which was our last class of the day before it was time to go home. Then Brianna was smiling very had on a sheet of paper while she was writing to someone I guess. Then after she got done writing for like a good 5 minutes she started to stare at me VERY VERY HARD at me like you dont even know,she stared st me while she twisting her hair and rolling her eyes while chewing gum too. After me and my best friend finshed talking it was time to go to science then the bell of course rings to go to our last class. We got up and headed out of the door then of a sudden Brianna stopped me and hand me a note,then she said "Don't forget to read it and answer it too"she said while putting the note on my chest and walked out the door looking fine as f*ck when she walk away with that big booty of hers. So after that I quickly opened the note to see what it was then i look at it I was shocked when I looked the note it said..........

Oooooo y'all wondering what the note said on there well you will have to find out when I updated it tomorrow.

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