Chapter 1

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 “So there’s no chance that I’ll get your number?” the boy standing in front of me asks, with a slight smile on his face.

I roll my eyes playfully. “None. Go back to your job.”

“Hey!” he says in a hurtful tone. “This is only for the summer, okay?”

“Fine, fine. What do you even call a maid that’s not a girl?”

This time it was him who did the eye-rolling. “The cleaning person. Now, I gotta go check on room 1409.”

“Sure,” I say with a smile.

The boy pushes his cart out of my room. “See you around, Darcy.”


As soon as the door closed with a click, the TV screen in front of me blinked to life.

“Are you done having fun?”

I quickly glance up at the screen, smiling when I realize who it is.

“Why are you spying on me, Will?” I ask teasingly.

“I was checking to see if that boy was a spy,” Will says defensively. “You never know with kids these days.”

I let out a short laugh and hop onto my bed. He had always been protective of me.

I met Will during the first days of my CIA recruitment. Me, being a rookie and, what he liked to call me, a little girl in awe, asked him for directions when I got lost in the headquarters. After almost getting busted when we accidentally walked into a top-secret meeting, I found out that it was only his second day on the job. We immediately became good friends after that. He was a few years older than me, and was one of the tech operators—a smart one too. When I finished my training, I learned that he had become one of the handlers and to my surprise, he was mine. That meant that I would have to report to him, indirectly making him my boss, which he never lets me hear the end of.

I prop my head up with my elbow and look at the screen. “So, what’s up?”

“I just read over your report of your red test,” Will says, his voice full of seriousness.

There is a sinking feeling in my stomach but I ignore it, deciding to play dumb.

“Yeah, and what do you think?” I ask him.


“Okay, fine! I admit, it was horrible.”

“Horrible?! Darcy you almost died!”

“That wasn’t even my fault,” I mutter silently to myself.

And, truth be told, it really wasn’t. I mean, was I supposed to know that someone poisoned my coffee? Was I supposed to know that I was going to get ambushed? Was I supposed to know that there is someone out there that wants me dead really badly?


“I know it wasn’t,” Will says softly. “We never thought that that would happen. I almost had a heart attack when I heard the news. Thankfully Agent Hicks was there to save you or else…”

I tune him out. There he goes with Agents Hicks again. It’s always about him. Everyone just loves talking about him. Good, precious Noah Hicks comes to the rescue of poor Darcy Jane. It was bad enough that he got to be the hero, but then he acted like such a jerk afterwards, treating me like I didn’t know anything. “How inexperienced can you be?” I remember him saying. I could’ve handled the situation all on my own. A couple of Soviet bad guys were nothing with my four years of training.

Will’s voice gets louder. “Darcy, did you hear me?”

I shake my head, and look back at the screen. “Sorry.”

“Anyways, as I was saying…you should really be more appreciative towards him you know. He did save your life.”

“Will, the guy’s a total jerk!” I say angrily.

“Yes but—”

I cut him off. “If you’re here to lecture me about being nicer towards him, then save your breath. I really don’t want to hear it.”

“Actually, I was going to tell you that I have a mission for you. But if you’re really not in the mood to talk…”

I sit up straight. “A mission? A real mission?”

I had been on plenty of little jobs before, mainly picking up and dropping off packages, but never a real mission.

“Yes.” Will nods his head. “But if you’re too worked up right now, I could always get someone else.”

“Stop being to dramatic.”

“Okay,” he laughs, but his face becomes serious within a matter of seconds. “I’ll just skim over the details for now because we don’t have much time. Your plane for London leaves in 2 hours.”

“London! Like, London, England?”

“Yes, London, England,” Will says wearily, as if he is talking to a child instead of me. “Now listen carefully. There will be a car outside in about 5 minutes to pick you up and drop you off at the airport. All of the necessary files and things will be in the back seat.”

I nod firmly. “Got it.”

“You won’t be undercover when you reach the airport, so there’ll be no need for changing. But still, don’t do anything stupid.”

“I’m not a child, Will.”

He laughs briefly. “You only have a few minutes, so don’t pack everything. Just the necessities—tooth brush, tooth paste, comb, er…lady toiletries, that kind of stuff. You will get new clothes and everything once you get there.”

“Yes sir,” I say.

Will gives me a small smile before reaching to grab something, probably to turn off his screen. Before he does, he pauses and looks at me with concern etched on his face.

“Really Darcy,” he says in a fatherly tone. “Don’t do anything stupid.”

I barely have time to open my mouth for a witty remark before the screen shuts off, leaving me alone in my hotel room.

This is it, I think to myself. My first ever real mission. This will be my chance to prove that I’m a good spy without anyone’s help.

Feeling extremely content with the idea of a mission, I trot around the room, filling my purse with whatever I feel like I’ll need.

This will be my chance to prove that I actually know what I’m doing. I can’t wait to see the look on Noah Hicks’ face when they announce what a fabulous job I did.


new story. again. yay! a lot of people wanted to read this one. i hope this is kinda what you imagined it to be and that you're not disappointed after reading this!

please vote/comment if you like it :D

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