"Why hello Danielle!" My mom stands and greets her with a hug.

"It's Don-yelle." I say.

"Oh I'm sorry, Donyelle. Have a seat!" She says motioning us to sit down.

"So, Donyelle. You're really pretty!" My mom starts off.

"Prepare to be interrogated." I whisper to her.

"Thanks Mrs?" Donyelle asks.

"King, Mrs. King." Mom says. "I love that hair girl is that Peruvian?" My mom asks, reaching and running her nails through Donyelle's hair.

"No. It's Malaysian." Donyelle says.

"It's pretty. So where did you and Zephyrus meet?" She asks.

"We met at school." I lie.

"Oh? Are you a cheerleader?" My mom asks, taking a drink from her wine.

"No actually she's-"

"Alumni." She cuts me off.

Mom chokes on her wine. "Alumni?? How old are you!?" She says.

"Twenty six." Donyelle says. I start to pat my knee and bite my nails.

"Excuse me?" My mom stands.

"Mom stop. I'll be eighteen in a couple months." I say. Donyelle looks at me.

"You mean next year!" She says.

"Mom I really like her! And age doesn't matter I wanna be with her." I say.

"Zephyrus we'll discuss this later. Go get your brother, Donyelle come with me into the dining quarters so we can wait on Isadore." She says.

"Umm who is that?" Donyelle asks.

"My husband." Says mom. I run upstairs and I call Ced's name.

"Coming!" He calls back. I go back downstairs and I walk into the kitchen. Gladys and the other cooks are preparing the meal, and I grab a drink of water.

"You okay baby?" Gladys asks.

"Not for long." I confess.

"You know how they are. It'll be fine." She says. I smile and I walk into the dining room and I sit next to Donyelle, who was sitting across from mom.

"So I see you two like each other." I say.

"Yeah. She's a brilliant young lady." Mom says smiling. Donyelle smiles also. I sigh in relief.

We all hear footsteps coming down the stairs. Ced comes in wearing a dusty hoodie, and some basketball shorts and socks and sits at the table.

"Cedric King what in the hell do you have on?" Mom asks.

"Clothes." He says.

I give him a look and he smiles at me.

"Between the two of you?" Mom points at us. "Y'all gone make me break a nail."

"Why everytime he does something it's the both of us?" I ask.

"Don't even do that! Cause I'm the one who always gets in trouble for you!" He yells back.

"Umm." Donyelle says, I pat her thigh to hush her.

"Whatever Ced." I say.

"Boys stop it." Mom says.

"Like I said don't tell me nothing until you got your stuff together." He says, I'm sick of him making comments.

"And don't tell me nothing until you can figure out to tell your parents you like boys." I spit out.

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