He turned his attention to me.

"And it looks like you've got yourself a new little sidekick too." He said.

That angered me. I waited my whole life to be a superhero, I was not going to be called a sidekick.

"I am not a sidekick." I spat at him.

He smiled amusedly.

"How sweet. Where'd you get her? The toy aisle?"

Brooke growled and stepped forward, punching Malum, sending him stumbling backwards. He was clearly shocked, but recovered well.

"Protective, are we Tempest?" He raised an eyebrow.

He flicked his wrist, and I went flying backwards, slamming into some machinery. Brooke looked at me concerned.

"I'm fine." I waved him off.

Brooke went to attacking Malum, and Black appeared in front of me.

"Too bad I have to kill you, you're really pretty." Black clicked his tongue.

I rolled my eyes and slung my legs around, knocking him to the ground. I quickly flipped off the ground, and stood over him.

"Too bad you're not going to." I said, kicking him in the side, packing a little extra punch.

The 'little extra punch' was that when I would punch or kick someone, electricity would crackle out of the attack and shock the person too.

Black groaned, but still rolled up on one knee and vanished into thin air. I whipped around just in time for him to land a punch on my cheek.

I kicked him in the side, and did a backflip to avoid his. I shot a jolt of electricity and it hit it's mark on his shoulder.

He winced slightly before teleporting in front of me. He grabbed my wrist, and flipped me over his shoulder. My head smashed against the concrete, and I groaned.

He placed his foot on my face, smushing it to the ground.

"Now how should I kill you?" He asked, smashing my face further into the ground.

I didn't answer, but instead swung my leg up and kicked him right in between the legs. He groaned in pain and I took the opportunity to stand up and kick him in the face.

He fell to the ground and I kicked him in the stomach. I placed my hand on his chest.

"What are you going to do?" He snarled, spitting blood in my face.

I smiled, and sent electricity through my hand and onto his chest. He shrieked and withered in pain.

I finally let up; Black rolled on his side panting. With Black disabled for a few seconds, I turned to look at Brooke. Malum had him pinned him on the ground with his telekinesis. Brooke let loose a giant gust of wind, and Malum went stumbling backwards.

Black started to get up, but I kicked him in the back of the neck, and he went back down.

Malum had cornered Brooke at the edge of the rooftop. I held up my hand, sending a jolt of electricity at him from behind.

It hit his head, and he fell backwards, unconscious. Black disappeared, and appeared next to Malum.

"Master Malum!" He cried out.

I ran forward towards them, skidding to a stop next to Brooke.

"We'll be back." Black snarled.

I surged toward them, but it was too late. Black had wrapped his hand around Malum's arm, and they teleported away.

I stood where they were, and turned to Brooke.

"They got away." I said in disbelief.

"Malum does a lot," Brooke admitted. "But you almost got him, and this was your first real fight. I'm proud of you."

I smiled at Brooke's words. I wiped under my nose, and it came back sticky with blood.

"Is all of that blood yours?" Brooke grimaced.

"No, not all of it," I shook my head. "Black had spat some in my face."

"Disgusting." Brooke wrinkled his nose.

"I know right?" I sighed.

"Are you okay?" He asked me.

"Yeah I'm fine. How about you?" I asked him, examining the bruise on my leg where my suit had ripped open.

"Awesome." He grinned, wrapping his arm around me.

"How about we go home?" He asked.

"Sounds good." I agreed, smiling the biggest I've smiled in a long time.

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