41. Animal: Nautilus

42. Colour: .... since we did that already Imma tell you my favourite book~ THE HOBBIT because Fuck yea TOLKIEN <3

43. Movie: (german) FACK JU GOETHE so much love for this film it's the best <3

(english) The Secret of Moonacre

44. Subject: English and Art

Have you ever? (Put an X in the brackets if you have)

45. [ ] Fallen in love?

46. [x] Celebrated Halloween

47. [ ] Had your heart broken

48. [ ] Went over the minutes or texts on your phone

49. [x] Had someone like you

50. [ ] Hated the way someone changed

51. [ ] Gotten pregnant

52. [ ] Had an abortion

53. [ ] Did something you regret

54. [x] Broken a promise

55. [x] Hid a secret

56. [x] Pretended to be happy

57. [x] Met someone who's changed your life

58. [x] Pretended to be sick

59. [x] Left the country

60. [x] Tried something you normally wouldn't have and liked it

61. [x] Cried over the silliest thing

62. [ ] Ran a mile

63. [x] Gone to the beach with your best friend

64. [x] Gotten into an argument with your friends

65. [x] Disliked someone

66. [x] Stayed single for two years since the first time you had a bf/gf or have been forever single


67. Eating: Nothing

68. Drinking: Nothing

69. Listening to: Young Volcanoes - Fall Out Boy

70. Sitting or Laying?: Sitting

71. Plans for today: ummm since it's like 1am.. we're going to my mum's school yesterday so I can do some henna for the weans and then I'm taking Alasdair 'round ma hometown **

72. Waiting for?: this to be over... nah jk~ well waiting to return to Scotland and uni <3 hehe

73. Want kids?: yea~ I do like the weans even though they can get annoying.. haha

74. Want to get married?: yes *-*

75. Want to travel?: FUCKING YAAAASSSS I wanna go everywhere and see everything! *o*

What do you look for in a partner?

(I'm starting this off by saying that if anyone is kind enough to get past what I look by, and accept me for me, I'll love them despite any flaws they might (or think they might) have. That being said, it's not bad to dream up answers to these questions XD)

76. Lips or Eyes?: preferably both..... *the sass*

77. Shorter or Taller: Taller~ which can be hard at times....

78. Younger or Older: I'll go for no more than a year younger and no more than ten years older

79. Romantic or Spontaneous: Romantic, but I wouldn't mind spontaneous

80. Trouble-Maker or Hesitant?: hmmm I mean I prefer crazy nerds but.... trouble maker I guess~

81. Hook up or Relationship?: Relationship

82. Looks or Personality: actually I'm trying to aim for both..... cause it's looks that attract you first no matter what you're trying to say about "personality is all that matters" We're biologically programmed to go for looks..... -.-

Have You Ever?

83. Lost glasses?: ehhh nah. cause then I'd be blind.. (not really but I wouldn't be allowed to drive :(

84. Snuck out of the house: Yea

85. Held a gun or knife in defense?: No

86. Killed somebody?: ummm well.......

87. Broke someone's heart?: ...dinnae ken

88. Been in love?: no

89. Cried when someone died?: umm who doesn't?

Do you believe in:

90. Yourself? depends....

91. Miracles? no

92. Love at first sight? no

93. Heaven? yes

94. Santa Claus? FUCK YAAASS well we have the "Christkind" here but it's technically the same thing ;)

95. Aliens? yeaaaa~

96. Ghosts or Angels? hmmm ghosts~ but I believe that they ARE the angels~~


97. Is there one person you really want to be with right now?: there's loads of people I wanna be with right now~ most of my friends live in different countries (sometimes even continents) and I would love to be with them right now~

98. Do you know who your real friends are?: well I certainly hope so~~

99. Do you believe in God?: I believe in Higher Powers. If it's God or something else... I was raised Lutheran Christian so I do believe in God but I do not think that he's the only power that has their hands in the makings of this world~~

100. Post as 100 truths: .... not even.... well yea~

***Rules: Don't be a party pooper. Once you've been tagged, you're supposed to write a post with 100 truths about you. At the end choose 20 people to be tagged.

aaaaaaaaaand my peeps are~~

(Okay so I don't know anymore....... Well that's just how it's gonna be aye?)

I certainly hope you enjoyed these 100 Truths about me and if you have any questions~~ ask away :3

Love, Kxx

100 TRUTHSजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें