It Gets Better Than This? (BoyXBoy)

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I got to school and entered home room. 112. I was the first one in the class, like always. I put my stuff down and walked to the teachers desk to get the work for the day; the earlier I start the sooner I can try to make up the sleep I have been depriving my self of. I didn't even know why... Just cuz I had alot on my mind... But this isn't something I should he losing sleep over. While I was blabbering in my head I didnt even realize someone walked into the class. A 12th grader. Weird... Why is he in a 10th grade classroom...? He stands there staring at me with a sly grin on his face. I know who he is. He's my cousins best friend. I open my mouth to speak but he beats me to it.

"I know."

"You know what?"

"Your secret."

With his eyes still cutting into mine he tilts his head up slightly and does what I understand is checking me out. Raking his eyes over my body. I find my self doing the same thing to him. When my gaze returns to his face I see an emotion I can't describe.

"Mitch, look me in the eyes and tell me you don't want me."

He says this so suggestively I feel ashamed when I find myself staring at his lower half more than I should've, switching my gaze to the floor. I gain enough courage to look up at his face, which I find still smirking, my eyes seemingly permanently glued to his lips.

"Answer me Mitch."  

"I- thats- I can't." I stutter at a Loss for words. He creeps up on me, and when I realize his proximity to my body we are mere inches apart.

"Then, why the he'll resist it?" he breaths across my neck, speaking directly into my right ear.

I only have time to mumble "Resist what?" before he leans his face in toward mine and his lips brush against mine.

"Stop! I don't want this!" I pull back and feel the blush coming up my neck and covering my cheeks. He steps toward and I am pushed against the far wall. He has me trapped. He leans in again and this time my body wouldn't let me stop him, defying every yell my brain may be having, my heart winning this internal battle. Could he really like me? Finally kissing me properly, it becomes intense almost instantly. My body being the evilly difficult being that it is, pushes the entire length of my body against his, wrapping my arms around his hips, kissing him with a need. A piercing need. A painful need that has to fulfilled to subside the pain. As I respond simultaneously he pulls away, the smirk re plastered on his face. He spins on his heel and heads in the direction of the door. I'm frozen. I can't do or say anything for at least 10 seconds. He is about to exit the door but I manage a "Wait."

"Yes?" he say turning to look at me, faking innocence.

"Y-you can't just steal a kiss and walk away like nothing happened."

The word that come out of his mouth are too much for me to bare: too late. My heart stopped. I couldn't breath. I collapsed to the floor, starting to cry. I hear a faint bell and the class floods with students gossiping, noticing me, and laughing. Snapping photos. Calling me names. Fag. And what hurt me the most was myself. I wanted more. I missed the feeling of his body on mine. I was becoming the monster in my own nightmares. How is it my fault? I moved away immediately after that. My mom kicked me out, she despised me. I said bye bye California and moved to Texas with my dad, not telling him about me liking guys. But what I didnt know is that my old life would always come after me, follow me everywhere I go. And me going through this makes me question our government. God. True love.

(Me in real life)

One of my "friends" at school come and shows me this series of videos of gay men trying to encourage young gay boys to hang in there. I keep up with them. At time they help. But I can never help but wonder, "It gets better than this?" sure it does.

[Authors note...]

Ahhhhhhh oh my freaking god. That came out warthog better than I originally wrote it. Holy crap. I hope you all give this story a try and give me some feedback... Is it good? Or is it crap? Do you even want chapter one?? Based on this intro... You will meet the real friends of Mitch's [Mitcheal actually] next chapter. Oh and the other boys name is Jessie. :)) *hint hint* the cover is of Mitch and jesse... Can you guess which is which?

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If I feel inspired, chapter one will be up asap. :)))

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