Silver & White

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Ichigo looked around the darkness surrounding him, trying to find the voice screaming his name.


As he reached his hand out, the darkness seemed to swallow him. Ichigo fell down, deeper and deeper into the darkness of his mind.

"Ichigo, help me!"

Ichigo hit the ground hard, groaning in pain, he slowly sat up. Looking around, he noticed the small change in scenery. The sky was vast and dark, the ground was covered in white sand, and there were dead trees scattered everywhere.

Standing up, Ichigo started walking, trying to find the voice.


Ichigo started running, then one step before him, a bright light created a crater in the ground, knocking Ichigo back.

"Damn it!" Ichigo cursed when he hit his head on a rock.

His vision became blurry, but he could see the outline of a figure stepping out of the crater, and walking towards him. Ichigo blinked, and suddenly the figure stood before him. Flinching, Ichigo tried scooting away, but the figure grabbed him by the throat, and lifted Ichigo up.

Ichigo struggled against the hand blocking his air, and glared at the figure. For some odd reason, his vision started to clear, and the figure before him started turning white.

"You..." Ichigo recognized the man strangling him.

The man smirked, then put more pressure on Ichigos throat, Ichigo let out a strangled cough, and his eyes started rolling back. His hand slipped off the man's, then fell limp at his side. The man let out a small laugh, then tossed Ichigo to the ground.

"Weak." The man turned away.

"Hey," Ichigo called out weakly, and the man turned back to him with a grin.

Ichigo raised his hand and pointed at the man, "I know you. I've....I've seen you before."

The man shrugged, "Yah, but you won't live to be able to see me again."

Ichigo's eyes widened as the man flew at him with his teeth and claws bared. When the man got too close, Ichigo let out a yell, and swung his hand.

A bright red light flew from his palm and pushed the startled man away from Ichigo. When the man landed on the ground, Ichigo heard the voice call out his name.

"Ichigo! Don't give into it! Don't give into him! Don't let him in!"

Ichigo didn't know who the voice was talking about, and at the moment, he didn't care. Standing up, Ichigo started to run on shaky legs, trying to get as far away from the man as possible.

"Little boy! Where are ya!"

Ichigo shook his head and ran faster, then skidded to a stop when the man appeared right in front of Ichigo. His gold on black eyes glistening with hunger, "There you are."

It only took a second for the man's hand to go through Ichigo's chest. Ichigo let out a bloody cough, and his knees buckled. The man caught him, then pulled his hand from Ichigo's chest and started petting his hair like he was trying to soothe a loved one.

"It'll be okay little one. It'll be okay," the man leaned back to look at Ichigo's dulling brown eyes, "you are such a beautiful thing. I want you." The last part was emphasized by a tight squeeze to Ichigo's hair.

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