Worst Feeling In the World

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10+ favorites & 5+ Comments for new chapter. The next chapter is the last chapter. I don't know if imma make a sequel. Y'all comment if I should or shouldn't.


This shit hurts.

I've been crying like a little punk.

I should of known it wasn't mine.

I hit the steering wheel. Stressing myself.

And Ashley knew. And didn't tell me.

That's some fucked up shit.

My phone ranged it was Ashley..

Voicemail.. Voicemail voicemail voicemail.


August not answering my calls.

I bite my lip and start crying. Its all my fault.

I'm so done with everything, I can't do this anymore. My parents are broken up and yelling at me. I haven't talked to any of my friends in a while. I've been cheated on. I kept secrets and hurt people. There's no more need for me.

I call August again and he sent me to voicemail so I left a message.

"August, I'm sorry, I just wanted to protect you. I didn't want you to be hurt cause I knew you loved him. I'm so so so so sorry.. I love you but I can't do this anymore with you ignoring me.. My family splitting. Nobody to help me. So you don't have to worry about me anymore"

With that I hung up and start packing a suitcase.

Start off new.


I feel bad the way I handle that. But he cheated on me with a 16 year old little girl. Do you know how disrespectful that is.

Me and Jamal are in a little condo I worked for. I feel better to get that off my chest and start off fresh.

Just me and my baby.


I listened to Ashley voicemail.

"August, I'm sorry, I just wanted to protect you. I didn't want you to be hurt cause I knew you loved him. I'm so so so so sorry.. I love you but I can't do this anymore with you ignoring me.. My family splitting. Nobody to help me. So you don't have to worry about me anymore"

I don't know if she leaving me alone or thinking about suicide but she just don't know how that shit feels.

I feel like killing myself but I'm not. I don't think imma be right after this.

I start to text her but I change my mind. It ain't even worth it.

Yungin' on his own outchea be'lee dat


I got my big ass bag filled with everything imma need till i can get on my feet.

A horn blows.

That means the taxi outside. I took one more look at my room as a tear rolled down my cheek.

I erase everything out my phone and left it on the bad. I don't need nobody tracing me.

I left a note for whoever to find it. This is it ...

I close the door and got in the taxi.

"Where you heading Mam" the driver asked.

"Uhh to the closest train station." I bite my lip.


He pulled off and I took one more look at the house..turned around and sighed.

August's Babysitter (An August Alsina Story)Where stories live. Discover now