First day of school Eve

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Tamina POV

So I'm in my room eating ice cream and watching Netflix having a sleepover before the first day of school with my squad juhleeyah and todrick just wondering what tomorrow is gonna be like for us I mean we are officially no longer underclassmen

Me : hey you guys

Todrick : *eating banana split*wassup
Juhleeyah : *eating Oreo sundae *yea

Me : I wonder what tomorrow is gonna be like you know as upperclassmen

Juhleeyah : live cause now we get to have Mrs.hansley

Me : yaaaaaassssssssssssss *eating big brown sundae *

Todrick : *eating *no we won't

Me : what you talkin bout toddy

Todrick : she got fired

Juhleeyah : *eyes bulge *nigga what how UK and for what

Me : *looking at him for his response*

Todrick : *puts down spoon *well apparently the parental board petitioned for her to be fired because she had parties every Friday for her best students

Me : how is that bad teaching that's motivation I swear parents r so lame bruh

Juhleeyah : like fr and I was looking forward to having her this yr

Me : right now we gonna get another ms . Chrysler *rolls eyes *

Juhleeyah POV

So I just found out the lady who was gonna be my fave teacher got fired so like what now? Where is the order ? I need some direction in life . But anyway I go stand by the window looking out into the backyard to see messiah and his friends playing basketball I have the biggest crush on him but ion think he like me back

Me : *looking out window at him shirtless and glistening *

Tamina : after all these years you still ain't grown the balls to tell my brother you like him

Todrick : fr like Jesus Christ

Me : I'll tell him when I'm ready *looking down at him from window

Tamina : you say that all the time we juniors in highschool you've like him 2 grade I think its time leeyah

Todrick : yes it is if you don't tell I will
Me : WHAT nooooo

Ta. : *chuckles *yes *looks at time *damn 9:30 already 

Todrick : whaaaaaa

Me : well I guess we should be going sweepy bye

Ta : yea *puts bowls on table next bed gets under covers with them *gn y'all

Todrick : gn Lil babies *kisses our foreheads *

Me : *chuckles *gn

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