I gasped in pain and he smiled as he spoke, "This is so what I needed." He said as he kept going. "And you should know, you were so right about one thing when you told them that you would regret it more if you made me wait. And yet you have made me wait."

I swollowed hard and wanted to throw up, it made me sick. Alex made me sick with his whole needing pain thing. It was like a young boy with a lot of testosterone and I hated it.

About five minutes passed when Alex threw me against his bed, tied me up like last time and cut me with his sharp nails. This is when I realized that the pain was really going to start from this moment on.

. . . (Emily)

The pain lasted hours before he finally left the room. I felt like I wanted to die, I felt like I already was dead.

Bri and Derrick found me at about four p.m. that day laying on his bed passed out. They told me that I had gone into a coma when I finally woke up. They even said that Amy had done all she could to help with the new scars that would be forever on my skin.

Amy said I was out for five days, before I woke up, Bri was worried, and Alex was always looking for me. I guess being in a coma was the only thing that could save me from him. They said he was mad, and each day he got worse.

As I finally woke up Amy told me everything I had missed, they said Alex had gone crazy and left the house each night and each night a new kid would show up on our door. The latest was a younger boy at about three years old. He was holding a teddy bear and his blankey when he came to the door. I wanted to cry when I seen him.

The little boy's name was Mike, and he was the only one out of all of those that are dead that actually did remember how he had died.

He said he was in his room at night alone when the man came in his room. He could see the man, like me, but he never lived long enough to actually feel the pain of what the man would do to him all his life. I thought he was lucky here, but then again he wasn't lucky, he lost his family.

Bri asked him what Alex had done to him, and Mike told his story about what Alex had done during the last hours of his life.

He was a strong boy, young, but strong at heart. I could see that in him as he spoke.

Mike said that Alex had killed him slowly, but he doesn't think that Alex really meant to kill him. He said that Alex talked about needing, and at first Mike didn't understand so we had to explain it to him.

He even said that after about two hours Alex had left and he had gone into a coma never to wake up again. He didn't know what his parents had done to his body, but he said he missed them already.

Mike even talked about his family. He said he had a younger sister who turned two today, the same day he had died. He felt bad that the only thing his parents would ever remember on his little sisters birthday was his death. He sometimes wishes he could go back to them, to be with them again. He wants to tell them his story, his life, and how he died. It gave me an idea really. Maybe write all of their deaths, and what they wish to tell their family. It was only a thought though, maybe someday I would figure it out.

Anyways, at night Mike said he would leave the house and walk to his old home. The home he knew when he was alive. He would watch his little sister sleep sometimes, and talk to her. He even swears that she sees him, because every night he was there she would smile and laugh up at him and call his name. This would make him cry.

Sometimes his parents would come in the room wondering who she was talking to. She would just smile and laugh even more and call his name. About this time he would send an air kiss to his little sister and parents and leave.

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