the truth

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*gerards pov*
so we just said fuck it about our homework, but out of no where frank just started acting weird like really weird (oh my I sound like his mom) I'm getting kind of nervous like if it's family, self or school problems ya' know?

*franks pov*
okay so Gerard I'm very scared and nervous to tell you this, but I've been feeling different about things for a while, my sexuality, what gender I like and who I would date, and I'm just going to say it. I'm not straight. I'm gay. I like boys, and with a quiet whisper I say that means I like dick too. the room gets silent, he just looks at me with a resting bitch face. okay now I'm very scared. what will he think of me? an "emo fag" even just a "fag"ughhhh help
* gerards pov*
frank. is. gay. what . even. the room is silent, no words, nothing, I look at him with a blank face. no expression. nothing. frank? I say gently, he's looking down as if he's disappointed in himself, ya? I'm not mad, or upset I thinks that's great! and I'm glad I'm your first friend you came out to, really? he says sounding shocked, yes I'm very proud of you frank. okay good! I've been holding it in all this time just still trying to figure out who I am and shit... he blabbers on and on about being in relief. I gently rub his baby like face, and frank looks over with his sparkling eyes and our eyes lock.

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