Chapter Two: Future Love

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Chapter Two: Future Love

Darien's POV


      A coffee was set on my desk as my assistant  stood in front of my desk with a clipboard in her hands, she cleared her throat making me look away from my computer for a second with a raised eyebrow. She had a way of catching everyone's attention, which could be quite a negative trait, especially when she wanted something.

      "Yes Mother Dearest (im sticking to it sorry), what is it?" I asked with a roll of my eyes as I glimpsed back at the computer screen, she smiled and placed the clipboard in front of me showing me my schedule for the day. Like it ever changed.

      "Well Dear Son," she began, playing along with my little charade. "You have two meeting's; ones going to conclude how the western company is doing and the other its just lunch with your best friend for life," she said, her voice becoming dull and sharp towards the end.

      "Just call him Brody, Katie no need for nicknames." I chuckled getting my coffee and taking a sip out of it. She relaxed her posture and grabbed the clipboard holding it in her arms once more.

      "Your meeting starts at 1:10, half an hour from now if you need anything please don't hesitate to call me," she said all professionally as she left my office her heels clicking to a rhythm against the tile floor until they slowly faded. My phone rang in my back pocket, taking it out I pressed the speaker button and put it next to my computer returning to my work.

      "So, who's your BFFL?" Brody asked with a chirp in his voice, extending the word longer than it should be.

      "Well you sound happy, what's up?" I asked I could hear a sad sigh on the other line as he clicked his tongue.

      "I won't answer that until you answer my question! I asked first." He stressed with a fake irritated voice, he almost sounded like a child.

      "Fine Brody you are my BFFL," I said dully he let out an irritated groan and I could only imagine him stomping his foot while Dayon rolled his eyes in the background.

     "Say it like you mean it." I rolled my eyes but answered the same way as before, dull. "I'll bring you lunch and pay for it," he said a questioning tone in his voice. I clapped my hands loud enough to make sure he heard.

     Food was expensive, or the food I liked — might as well take advantage of the offer.

      "Brody you are my best friend for life in the entire world!" I said yelling cheerfully in order to satisfy him, he let out a throaty laugh and cleared his throat.

      "Thank you, thank you now what do you want for lunch?" I smirked.

      "Rolled tacos with some double meat hamburgers oh and bring a pepperoni pizza with cheesy bread sticks—" I began adding more and more to the my menu of lunch. Of course I wasn't capable of eating that much but that didn't mean that I couldn't try.

       "I knew you would make me waste my money on this." He grumbled under his breath, this time it was my turn to laugh.

     "Oh and make sure to bring something for Katie," I whispered into my phone and looked over at Katie's desk making sure that she didn't hear me. Katie had always watched what she ate and she didn't necessarily like it when someone bought or gave her something to eat, but she wouldn't reject the food. She would gladly keep it and thank the person, before giving it to one of her girls.

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