Now I Don't Want You To Freak Out But...

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"I don't want you to freak out love" Blake slowly said, stroking his scar lightly.

 "I'll be fine..."

"What do you remember?" He asked, concern twinkling in his eyes. 

"Getting shot...then waking up in the hospital on tour...being told I was raped." I saw Blake cringe. "And everything before that..."

"Don't tell her too much!" The doctor cut Blake off with a glare. 

"But-its her life..." Blake mumbled, sitting down on the bed with me.

"Exactly. You just can't tell a person what their life is."

"Why whats so wrong with that?" Blake grumbled, wrapping his arm around me. Tiny tingles ran through my arm as I felt the hairs on them rise. 

"You know how much I love you...right?" Blake's velvet voice rang through the small enclosed garden we stood in. 

The twinkling christmas lights, the moon full in the sky, the slow music that was playing from somewhere in the rose was perfect. 

"Yeah of course I do...why?" I asked hesitantly, nothing ever good came out of these things. I should know, what with the past year and all...

"Will you...will you..." Blake took a deep breath before kneeling. Wrong time to tie your shoe...OH OH HE'S NOT-THATS NOT HIS SHOE. THATS A FUCKING BOX. I SWEAR TO GOD IF A CHARM BRACELET IS IN IT I'M GOING TO HURT HIM. 

"WILL YOU MARRY ME?!?" He bellowed, scaring the shit out of me. 

""I said seriously for a second before jumping around. "Of course I will."

"OH you scared me..." he laughed nervously, opening the tiny box to reveal the most beautiful ring I'd ever seen... the diamond wraped around the band as if it was ivy. Simple. Expensive most likely...but it was perfect. It felt as if this past year was finally worth it--

"AURORA" Blake yelled at me, snapping me from the memory. 

I looked into his eyes for a moment before I looked down at the ring so prominate on my boney pale finger. 

"We're married.." I whispered to myself mostly, my eyes growing moist. My heart fluttered as I looked back into his eyes, they were shinning with glee. 

"Its funny how true love can break any barriers." He chuckled under his breath before kissing my temple lightly.



yo dawg. wuddup doe. 

lol jk

sorry i'm tired hhaha. so i was going to update like over a week ago BUT i got pissed off at this bitch so i couldn't write a sappy chapter while wanting to hurt her. lol

okay so yay 

and awe


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