Chapter 11 Return Home

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//Annie POV//

"Ah...I'm glad that's over." Annie sighed as she and Eren sat on the stairs after 2 hours of Eren getting hugged and asked questions. But now everyone was inside except the couple that now sat beside each other.

" I want to spend time with you." Eren said with a smile as he hugged her waist.

"Oh, really?" Annie showed him a sexy grin.

"Yeah...I love you." Eren smiled.

"I love you more." Annie said, starting to play like Eren does to her.

"I love you with all my heart." Eren told her.

"OH...ok...I love you with all my body and soul." Annie said.

"I would fight the world for you."

"I would follow to the end of the earth." Annie shot back with a sweet voice.

"Oh, just shut up and kiss me, love." Eren finally said and Annie quickly pushed her lips roughly on his. She truly missed the heat of his lips when hers touches his. But she could feel deep inside her the lust and wanting him but she held it in...she want to stay controlled until tonight.

"Mmmph." Annie pulled away to let him speak. "So...are you going to tell them?"

"You mean Mikasa and Erica?" Annie guessed and he nodded yes. "Yes, actually I was going to tell them right now. You want to wait here until I finish talking to them?"

What Annie wanted to talk to the girls about was about the wedding she and Eren were going to have. She knew that Mikasa wedding was coming soon so she plans to have it earlier that hers, to have everything ready for her wedding and to use it for Mikasa wedding.

"Sure...leave me bored without a kiss?" Eren pouted, acting like a little kid. Annie couldn't help but smile at the way he was acting.

"Oh...a kiss? Ok." Annie said before kissing him quickly and moving her lips to his ear. "Tonight...I'll give you more than just a kiss."

//Eren POV//

---5 Hours Later---

"So...we staying at your house or we going to a hotel?" Eren asked Annie as they drove past the streets.

"I was thinking back in my house. I haven't been there for a while." Annie told him.

"Really? Where did-"

"Sleep? At your apartment, Mikasa let me stay in your bed." Annie told him.

"Oh...well, now you sleep at your bed once again." Eren said. Happy that she ok after those two weeks he was not there for her. But now that he was awake once again, he wanted to make things right for her.

"Hey, Eren." Annie got his attention.

"Hm? What is it?" Eren asked her.

"I was...I don't want you to think I'm crazy, but I was" Eren watched her get a bit nervous. He focused back to the road; he saw the driveway of her house and stopped the car. He turns back to look at her.

"Come can tell me." Eren said as he held her hand.

"My father...he called me a day ago. He wants me to finish school that is...I should be heading onto college by now." Annie started. "I thought that maybe I could wait while you were in a coma. I...I accepted."

" what?!" Eren cried out. Nervous as hell by what she was saying. "'re leaving...for how long?"

"Probably for two years or more." Annie said with a deep breath. Then she turned to look at him quickly. "But I can tell him no, Eren. I don't need to go if you don't want me to."

"What, Annie no." Eren found himself saying. "You should get your education...finish school."

"But what will happen to you?" Annie asked concerned.

"I'll wait for you."

"For two years?!"

"It's worth waiting for you, Annie. You know that..." Eren said sadly. "But waiting is...such a bitch."

"Then don't!"

"Do you want to finish school?" Eren asked her.

"Well...yes of course. I work hard to get good grades and to have the opportunity to go to college-"

"I want you to do something you want to, if you want to go to college you should." Eren said with a deep breath. "Besides; I know that you can do this. Go for it."

"Are you totally sure about this, Eren?" Annie asked.

"Is that what you wanted to hear?" Eren asked.

"No...I wanted you to say no. But you didn't." She said and Eren placed his hand on her cheek. She stares at his eyes.

"Annie, I want to be sure that you want to do this." Eren said.

"I love you...I'll do it." she slowly told him. "You better wait for me..."

"I will...let's not tell anyone about this yet." Eren told her and she nodded yes. "And besides...we're going to get married so we will come back together like a moth and a light."

"What?" Annie simply looked at him confused until she understood he was joking. She started to laugh. "Damn you, Eren and your damn jokes!"

"Hey, got you laughing; didn't it." Eren said with a smile.

"Just shut up and get out. Let's go inside already." Annie told him as she stepped out of the car. "Hurry up, a-hole."

"A-hole?" Eren laughed as he turns off the engine and gets out. He continues to laugh as he chased after her to the house.

They quickly enter the house laughing like little kids as Eren continue to chase Annie through the empty house. He took a shortcut through the kitchen and cuts her off, grabbing her by the waist and lifts her up.

"Ah!" Annie screams as she giggles. Eren throws her on his shoulder and takes her upstairs to her room.

"Surrender, you are my hostage now." Eren grinned.

"Oh, I'm your hostage now? Oh, poor me! Who will save me now?" Annie acted.

"I will!" Eren said as he lays her down on her bed after they made it to her room.

"But you're the villain." Annie told him.

"Uhh...give me a second." Eren said. "I left something here a few weeks ago."

"Okay but hurry." Annie told him as he left the room and she started to take off her jacket and pants. After she finish, she was left with only underwear and her t-shirt. She heard Eren come back in and turns to see him wearing the hockey mask and his black clothes. "And what's with that?"

"Because..." Eren slowly crawled over Annie until he was over her and she moved the mask up to see his lips. "...I'm you're hero, Annie."

"You're my anti-hero...remember?" Annie smiled as she kisses his lips. "Mine and only mine."

"I like that." Eren grinned as he removed the hockey mask entirely.

"Anti-hero or not, Eren. I love you." Annie told him and Eren could hear the seriousness in her voice.

"And I love you too." Eren told her before starting to take off her clothes.

(Eren X Annie Book 2) Hurry Up and Save MeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin