Temptation Baby

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It was Christmas time. Lisa was upset that this would be another Christmas spent away from home. She had called up her parents, but they hadn't answered. They never answered her phone calls anymore. They had made it quite clear that they didn't approve of her lifestyle. They wanted her to get married and start a family, but Lisa wasn't ready for that type of commitment. She wasn't even ready to take care of a pet yet.
The sky was grey, very grey, and it was cold, too cold. Lisa was beginning to miss the sun and the warmth. She was missing Texas's sun; she was missing home. She felt a cold breeze tug at her dress. Lisa was holding a small bag of groceries as she walked back to her apartment. Her high heels were clicking on the concrete sidewalks. It was starting to snow, adding to the thin layer already laying softly on the ground.
Lisa stopped outside her apartment building to look at the snow. It was a rather pitiful site. It was sort of melted and mixing with the dirt making this awful looking grey color. Lisa sighed and walked into the apartment building to put her groceries up in her apartment. She walked up the stairs to her apartment. She was looking through her keys as she walked down the hall. She wasn't really paying attention to what was ahead of her so when she looked up and saw Gene standing in front of her apartment she was taken aback.
"Hi," Gene said.
Lisa stared. Gene smiled at her. "I was going back home for Christmas and I just stopped by," He said.
Lisa was too shocked to say anything. Her keys were clasped in between her thumb and first finger. "Oh, let me help you with your groceries," Gene said taking the brown paper bag out of her arms.
Lisa walked to her apartment door and unlocked it. She felt numb. What was going on? Gene Vincent at her house, visiting her, on his own...
Gene walked in the apartment behind her. "Where do I put the groceries?" He asked.
"In the kitchen, on the counter," Lisa said.
Gene crossed the small living room to the counter. He looked around at the room. "It's very nice in here," He said.
Lisa was putting up her coat on the coat rack and taking off her shoes. Gene took off his coat and walked back towards Lisa. Lisa took his coat and hung it on the coat rack.
"Thank you," Lisa said avoiding Gene's gaze. It had been two and a half years and he had just showed up. What in the world was he thinking? What if she had moved?
"How have you been?" Gene asked.
"Good," Lisa said looking at him for a moment before her eyes flittered off to the groceries on the counter.
She walked over to put the things that could spoil into the refrigerator and the cans in the cupboard. Gene watched her quietly.
"Your hair's longer," He said.
"That's what happens with hair, it grows," Lisa said without really thinking about what she was saying. She had all the same old barriers up, but now she was using them on someone she had come to care for very deeply.
Gene laughed. "I like it longer," He said. "It makes you look sexy."
Lisa was halfway through the motion of putting a can in the cupboard. She turned around to looked at him. She could believe what she had just heard. "Suh... Suh... Sexy?" She said slowly.
Lisa must have heard wrong. Gene had never come on so strong the first three times she had met him. What could be different about this time?
"It makes you look wild," Gene said. "Before you always had it all tied back with those pins, all controlled and simple."
Lisa's hand went to her dark hair. She had been wearing it down lately because she hated having to fix it up in the morning. Her heart was beating quickly in her chest. Her brain ran through each instance that she had been with Gene, taking more time on the two kisses he had given her.
Finally Lisa managed to choke something out. "How have you been?" She asked trying to change the subject.
"I've been better," Gene said. "I'm going to visit my folks for the holidays soon. I stopped off here to see you."
"What about your wife?" Lisa asked turning to put the can in her hand into the cupboard. It was the last of the groceries.
"Margret divorced me about a year ago," Gene said.
Lisa frowned for a moment then turned towards Gene with a relaxed expression. "Would you like some coffee?" She asked politely.
"Yes, please," Gene said sitting down on the small love seat in the middle of the room. A coffee table was in front of it. On the table was a couple of books and a few coasters.
Lisa turned the stove on and heated up the coffee from that morning. She was trying not to look over at Gene. She was trying to pretend he was just another friend, just a person. After a few minutes Lisa poured Gene a mug of coffee and put it on a tray with cream and sugar. She walked back into her living room. She eased herself down on the couch and handed Gene his coffee and set the tray on the coffee table.
Gene smiled at Lisa. "Thank you," He said.
Lisa looked down at her hands. "What's happened since I saw you last?" Gene asked.
Lisa glanced over at Gene for a moment before her blue eyes flitted back to her hands. "I haven't really done much," She said. "I've just worked."
Gene nodded his head slowly. He touched her hand softly. "I'm really happy to see you," He said.
Lisa blushed bright red. "I feel the same," She said.
They sat together quietly for awhile. Gene drank his coffee. Lisa felt awkward because of the silence. She had to talk about something...
"How's your leg?" Lisa asked.
Gene was taking a sip of coffee. He lowered his glass. "It hurts," He said. "It's been worse than normal because of the weather."
"Oh, do you need something for it?" Lisa asked.
"No, I took some pills before I came," Gene said.
Lisa was quiet for a little while. She really didn't know what to say.
"Can I tell you something?" Gene asked.
"Sure," Lisa said turning towards him.
"When I first met you I... Uh..." Gene stuttered. "I really don't know how to say this."
"You can tell me anything," Lisa said smiling.
Gene slicked his hair back and turned to face her better. "I find you very beautiful," He said.
Lisa blushed again. Gene snuck his arm over her shoulders. "Every time we've seen each other I've had a very nice time," He said smiling at her.
"I did too," Lisa said leaning her head on his chest. She tucked her feet up onto the couch.
"I think I'm in love with you," Gene said resting his head on her's.
Lisa blinked. "What?"
"Well, every time I see you I get this weird feeling inside. Ya know, and I can't ever wait to see you again. I look for you at all my concerts... I'm always thinking about you," Gene said. "If that isn't love then I don't know what is..."
Lisa smiled slightly and turned her head so that her lips were right beside his neck. "I feel the same way..." Lisa said. As she spoke her lips brushed his neck softly.
"Every time I see you my heart beats really fast and I don't know what to say and I feel sorta stupid... An sometimes when I'm asleep I dream about you... And I just always think about you," Lisa said.
Gene kissed her. Lisa wrapped her arms around his neck. Something about this felt right. It was like she was melting into his arms. Lisa pulled away from him.
"Do you want me to fix you something to eat?" She asked.
Somehow she had managed to roll on top of him. He was leaned back in the corner of the couch with a smirk on his face.
"Oh, yeah, I'm a little hungry," Gene said.
Lisa stood up and straightened her dress. Gene was humming something softly. She walked into the kitchen and looked in the refrigerator. Even with the groceries she had brought home there wasn't much in the refrigerator.
Lisa sighed and pulled a package of dry pasta from the cupboard. She put a pot of water on the stove to boil and put another pot on to heat up the sauce in. Gene had finished his coffee and put the mug on the tray. He took the tray to the counter. Lisa notice his limp out of the corner of her eyes. He went around the counter to her.
Lisa was stirring the tomato sauce slowly. He wrapped his arms around her waist an rested his chin on her left shoulder. Lisa felt her cheeks turn bright red.
"Say, hey good lookin', well now, whatcha got cookin'," Gene sang softly to her.
Lisa laughed quietly. Gene kissed her on the cheek. "I thought you were a rock and roll singer," She said.
"I sing everything except jazz," Gene said laughing.
Lisa stirred the sauce. The water was starting to boil so Lisa poured in the pasta. Gene refused to let go of her waist.
"Can I at least turn on the radio?" Lisa asked pointing to the radio on the counter.
Gene kissed her neck. "If you want music I'll sing for you," He said.
Lisa rolled her eyes. "Fine..." She said stirring the sauce then the pasta.
"What do you want to hear?" Gene asked before kissing her ear.
Lisa was slowly becoming a brighter shade of red. "I don't know..." She said. "A ballad maybe?"
Gene began to hum softly as he kissed her neck again. "Oooh, my love, my darling..." He began to sing.
"It's been awhile since I've heard this song," Lisa commented.
Gene shushed her. "How am I supposed to sing if you're gonna interrupt me?" He asked jokingly.
"Can you just turn on the radio?" Lisa asked. "Having a wonderful singer around is all well and good, but you don't have any instruments to accompany you."
Gene smiled then kissed her on the cheek and finally unwrapped himself from her waist. He switched on the radio. They were greeted by the sound of the Beatles wanting to hold someone's hand. Gene tilted his head.
"Well, hello," He said.
Lisa looked over at him. "They're always playing," She said. "I think I prefer rockabilly."
"They opened for me a few times," Gene said. "They're really good."
Lisa nodded her head as she continued to stir the sauce. A Bobby Vinton song began to play next. Gene smiled and nodded his head along with the music. Lisa lifted the pot of pasta up and poured the water out slowly into the sink. Gene was leaning on the counter watching her. Some of the water hit her finger. She winced.
Lisa lifted the pot of the pasta and put it back on the stove. She turned off the heat and poured the sauce onto the pasta and stirred it for a little while. She opened one of the shelves and pulled two plates down. She walked over to her small table and set them down.
"Can I help with anything?" Gene asked.
"No, that's alright," Lisa said walking over to the stove. She grabbed a pot holder and put it on the table. She walked back to the stove and brought the pot of pasta to the table and put it on the pot holder. She sat down at the table.
Gene frowned. "I feel bad for making you do all that by yourself," He said sitting down at the table opposite of her.
Lisa smiled at him. "It's alright," She said. "It isn't far at all."
Gene smiled at her. "Smells good," He said.
Lisa put some pasta on Gene's plate. He lifted his fork and started to eat. Lisa put some food on her own plate. "You want a beer or something?" Lisa asked.
Gene nodded his head. "That'd be good," He said.
Lisa stood up and walked to the refrigerator. She grabbed two beers and walked back to the table. She handed Gene one of the beers and sat down. Gene opened the can and put the tab on the tablecloth. Lisa opened her beer and did the same.
Gene and Lisa ate and drank quietly. The radio played softly in the background. Lisa wasn't so impressed by her quickly thrown together dinner, but Gene didn't seem to mind it one bit. It almost looked like he was enjoying her cooking. They finished the small pot of pasta and their beers. Lisa took the pot and the plates to the sink to clean them. She washed them off and then dried them and put them back in the cabinet.
Gene walked over to the couch and sat down. He propped up his left leg on the couch and let out a soft groan. Lisa walked towards Gene, going behind the couch. "Are you alright?" She asked.
He smiled at her as a kind of smoke screen for his pain. "I'm fine," He said.
Lisa leaned over the back of the love seat and put her arms around Gene's neck. "You can tell me if it hurts," She said. "I have some pain pills."
Gene frowned. "It hurts a bit, but it's just a little sore," He said. He sat up a bit and kissed her on the cheek. "I love that you care though."
Lisa smiled then walked around the couch. She sat on the couch cuddling into Gene carefully avoiding his bad leg. Gene kissed her on the top of the head.
"When are you leaving?" Lisa asked.
Gene was nuzzling her hair. "In a few hours," He said. "I'm gonna spend Christmas with my parents."
"Ah..." Lisa said quietly.
"You know, your hair smells really nice," Gene said kissing her hair again.
Lisa was starting to blush. Gene was running his fingers through her hair. "I really like your hair," He said.
"Thank you," Lisa said quietly.
Gene's hands wrapped themselves around Lisa's waist. Gene kissed her neck and slowly moved his lips down her neck and to her shoulder. One of his hands started to pull her sleeve off her shoulder and his lips made their way down her shoulder.
Lisa sighed softly. She turned her head so that she could see Gene. He moved his lips from her shoulder and kissed her on the lips. Lisa's heart was beating hard in her chest. She rolled so that she was facing Gene and put her arms around his neck then she kissed him. She started messing with the buttons on his shirt. Gene pulled away from her lips.
"Lisa Stone, if I didn't know you better I'd think you were tryin' to seduce me," Gene said smiling.
Lisa kissed him again quickly. "You obviously don't know me better," She said loosening two more buttons.
Gene smiled. "I guess we're gonna have to get to know each other better," He said working at her belt.
Lisa laughed quietly before kissing him again. "That we will," She said as Oh, Pretty Women by Roy Orbison began to play on the radio.

(The song attached at the beginning is Temptation Baby from the movie Live It Up. It's a pretty good song, not as good as his work with the Blue Caps, but what can you expect when you don't have a real rockabilly backing band. The songs that Gene sings the beginnings of in this chapter were Hey, Good Lookin' by Hank Williams and Unchained Melody originally sung by Todd Duncan [I think the best known version is by the Righteous Brothers, though Gene Vincent's cover of the tune in '56 has a wonderful guitar solo by Cliff Gallup.] I did change the cover of this story. I made a bunch of covers for stories I might write in the future and I made one for this for fun and really liked it so I made it the story cover. Um... I think that's all for now... Until Next Chapter!)

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