Tracking a Shadow

Start from the beginning

           Max shot her a look from under the hood of a blue Volkswagen, spying the cat. "I can't shake the little bugger." Jade said, shrugging as she slunk underneath a red Mercedes. Smokey sat beside her, observing the teen with vibrant green eyes.

           "Nice to see you're enjoying yourself, mate." Jade smirked. "Don't suppose you could hand my wrench to me, aye?"


            Tony rushed into the kitchen, fully refreshed after a four-hour nap. Vision was reading 'To Kill A Mockingbird,' Steve was drinking coffee and reading the paper, Thor was watching the news, and Hawkeye was getting off the phone with his wife. Natasha and Banner were nowhere to be found.

            "So," Said Tony, clapping his hands together. "Who wants to go to Harlem?"

             Steve sighed. "I'll go get my bike." He stopped for a minute. "Where's my jacket?"

             "On your left." Said Falcon, entering the room.


           Tony and Steve entered the auto shop, looking out of place in the small, slightly dirty building. Taking a deep breath and inhaling the welcome scent of motor oil and cold metal, both men started towards a blue Volkswagen.

           A man poked his head out from the hood of the car, his eyes widening as he realized who they were. Wiping his hands on a rag, he asked: "What can I do for you?"

            "We're looking for Jane. Is she in?" Steve answered.

In response, the man bellowed- "JT! SOMEONE'S HERE TO SEE YOU!"

Jade yelled back at him with equal force, rubbing her head where she hit it in her surprise. "WELL I AIN'T AT THEIR BLOODY BECK-AND-CALL! SEND THE BLOKE OVER!" Smokey gave her head a comforting lick.

            Wincing, Steve and Tony made their way to the Mercedes. Tony felt a little hop of excitement in his chest as "Jane" came into view. Though she looked a bit different in civilian clothes, there was no mistaking that harsh voice and unusual hair: it was Shadowfax.


            As soon as she saw who her visitors were, Jade's face went moon-white. She rolled out from under the car with surprising speed, her eyes glowing red as she reached for her knife. "What. The. Hell. Do you think you're doing here?" Her voice dripped with deadly malice.

           "You didn't tell me she glowed." Steve hissed to Tony.

"Not in front of the mutant girl Steve." Iron Man hissed back.

"Right here gents, right here," Jade reminded them.

             "Right. Listen Miss Tarrow, we just want to talk." Steve told her, approaching the girl like you would a lion.

"You take two more steps and you'll find your arse twenty stories in the air." Jade warned him.

            "Kid please, we just want to discuss you and Sphinx." Tony said gently. Jade relaxed, taking a smooth stance. Then she bolted, flinging her throwing knife in the direction of Steve. Distracted, he spun out of the way, knocking Tony down.

            Jade ran straight for a wall, jumping at it and scrunching into a ball before disappearing in a puff of smoke, Smokey hot on her heels.

            Tony and Steve untangled themselves, jumping to their feet as she vanished. They both stood there for a while with their mouths open for a moment before Tony finally said: "You saw the cat too, right?" 


             Jade flung open the door to their apartnent, muttering angrily as she kicked off her shoes. "Bloody Avengers, getting in everyone's bloody business..."

             Sphinx and jumped a bit on the sofa, shooting her an alarmed glance. "You had a run-in with the who now?" Nutsy erupted. "What did you do?"

             "Nothing!" Jade yelped.

"Well it had to be- Smokey!" Sphinx broke off as she spied the cat, scooping him off the floor with a startled 'merrow?'

               She held the purring cat's face up to her own, eyes shining.

"Pleeease?" She begged. If it had been any other day, Jade would've said no, but she was tired and Smokey was adorable.

"Fine," She relented, stalking down the hall. "But you're cleaning the litter box."

She kicked open her bedroom door, shucked off her greasy uniform in favor of soft pajamas, and rolled over on her mattress. It had been a long day.

Hey guys! How was the second chapter? I'll try to get the next on up soon!

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