Chapter 1

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I stand silently in place,waiting for the subway to arrive.Within a couple minutes,I find myself in front of a door sliding open.I walk in and sit at an empty seat.The doors close,and we were moving.I then hear a bunch of tapping noises.I look to my left,and see a man with a mask and an orange suit making beats with drums sticks.Suddenly,a homeless looking man with another mask takes off his thick blanket from around him and passes it to the lady next to him.He then holds onto two poles by his sides,and makes a backflip.He moves to the centre and makes another flip.He slides himself to a seat next to a lady, jumps on seat and jumps over another one,leaving him sitting in between a lady and me.He snatches the newspaper from the lady and throws it on the floor.The man then began to hold my arms aggressively.

"Stop it,stop it! Somebody help! Get off! Let go off me!" I yell,only to make the mob look more entertaining

My partner then lets go of me,as I put a mask over my face.I stand up and slide on the ground with my knees.I spin around and stand back up.I hold onto a pole and I spin myself around it making me jump over a seat.I see that my other partner has joined the mob,since she has a mask over her face.She moves herself on the ground and starts break dancing.A second later,two of my other partners join in.We were all dancing.My girl spins herself around a pole and lands on a seat watching our boy laying on the floor,and moving his body under a few seats and magically coming out from under the seats while the others stomps their feet on the ground making beats.A few of us then jump on top of a seat and lands on the ground as we begin free styling.Others making flips,and some holding into poles with their feet touching the ceiling.We were all scattering around making our own moves as a camera video tapes us all.

"Suspects jammed it." We hear someone say over the music

We all look to our side and notice a cop.Right when the doors open back,we all run outside as the cop starts chasing us.We run up an escalator.

"They went up the stairs." Tuck hauls them so he can do his job
"Sir,are you ok?" The cop asks him

As we were running up the escalator,Tuck would be painting the wall by now once the cops had left him.Everything is wild.A few of us were messing with the cops.One was sliding between two escalators.Another was flipping away from the people chasing us.Some also sliding down the stairs.I jump over a glass fence and I run.We were now all running away together,away from the trouble we got ourselves into.We manage to lose them as we exit the subway.

By now we all break into a roof top with all of us gathered together.

"That was sick!"
"Thank you very much! I did do pretty well" I say goofing around
"Yo,we gonna get some serious YouTube play!"
"This is off the chain!"

We all start talking excitingly about our video as we watch it from our camera.

"Yo guys,we better hurry.We got rehearsals."
"We should go now"

Everyone then leaves the roof to get to rehearsals.But I stay in place alone while the others were walking down the stairs.Tuck looks back and notices me standing by myself.

"Yo Nat,you coming?" He asks from a distance.
"Sorry,bro.But Andrea will kill me if I don't come home at this time." I tell him

He sighs angrily at me.I've been missing rehearsals a lot lately because of Andrea.She doesn't always like it when I'm gone dancing.

"Make sure you comin tomorrow though.Your missing out on a lot.Okay?" He asks

I nod back as they all walk back to rehearsals.

I arrive back home and I try not to get caught by Andrea watching television.

"The notoriously elusive Four-one-oh has claimed responsibility for this morning's attack that both defaced public property and shut down the.." the news announcer says on the news.
"Where have you been?" She asks as I try sneaking my way up the stairs to my room

I sigh,annoyed

"You know I've been busy,Andrea." I tell her
"Busy with what?Huh?You've been dancing again,aren't you?"

I look at her with a serious face.

"What have I told you about dancing?! You've been skipping school and showing up as suspects on the news! God knows what you are doing these days."
"And how is this any of you're buisness?" I ask her annoyigly
"You've been through too much trouble with the Four-one-oh.." She says but I interrupt
"What are you gonna do about it? I caused this trouble,not you.Just please stay out of this." I tell her almost yelling.

She stands silently in front of me with that deadly look in her eyes.

"I want you out of Four-one-oh" she says quietly
"You're gonna make me?"
"Yes! In fact I've already signed you up for another school.A school that can change your attitude and your visualization in dancing" she tells me
"You what?!"
"You are re-taking your lessons in Viola at the Maryland School of Arts.This way you can calm yourself down with all this trouble you got yourself into."

I run to my room.I can't handle her anymore.She doesn't has the right to do this to me.She is not even my mom.She was only a girlfriend to my dad before he left and she promised to take care of me while he was gone.I sit on my bed and grab my phone.

I need to speak to you,meet me at the local dance club.
I send to Tyler

Tyler is like a big brother to me.We used to be neighbours and he would always come over to teach me with dancing.He's not around anymore since he's been touring with Nora.

I lock my door and quietly open my window.I jump out my window and land on the ground with no bruises.I then start walking to the club.The club is where I normally go to chill with friends or even meet with Tyler.Its like home to me.

I arrive at the club and I look around for Tyler.And to my surprise,I see him dancing on the dance floor.I walk to the centre and watch him break dance.He then poses and notices me.

"Ayee,Nat!! It's been long since I last saw you!How you been? !" He says pulling me into a hug
"Not much,Andrea has been pissing me off lately.Thats why we need to talk.." I tell him but he interrupts.
"Come on,not now! This is a dance club and you came here to talk?! At least give us a few moves." He tells me leaving me space "Then we can talk" he says winking at me

Ehh,why not.

I wait for a better beat and I begin to dance.I slide myself to my corner right and begin some break moves.I pose with my legs in the air and roll myself back on the floor.I do some foot work,and drop myself on the floor and jumping back up.I wave my arms,chest and kegs and bring them back up as I point my hands to the left.I move to the left and break dance some more.I then end my dance with a backflip and everyone watching me cheers,even the DJ.

"Nat killin the floor again!" He yells on his microphone.

Tyler then walks me to the bar and we sit down.

"So,what is it you wanted to tell me?" He asks me over the music
"Andrea wants me out of Four-one-oh.." I explain him
"Wha.." He says but I interrupt
"And she also signed me up for MSA." I tell him
"That doesn't sound so bad"
"Yea,for a place that's too classy"
"Come on,MSA isn't like what you think it is" he says
"It's just,Andrea signed me up for music.."
"Wait,your not dancing?!" He asks,shocked
"You know what's been going on,Tyler.She hates seeing me dance,not even for ballet."
"Why did she sign you up,anyways?" He asks
"I don't know,to stop myself from getting in trouble or some shit.." I tell him
"You should go."
"Are you serious?! I won't even make it out alive!"
"If you want to shut her up,give her a chance to do what she hopes to see you do.Your dad would be proud seeing you there."

He's right.I hate hearing Andrea always telling me what to do.But going to this school might actually be the last thing she wants me to do.

"But what about dance,then?" I ask him
"You'll figure it out yourself.Don't worry..Things will go your way eventually." He tells me

I smile at him and give him a hug.I thank him and we say our good byes.He goes back to dancing on the dance floor and I walk back home.

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