The Blood Bath

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Hero's pov:

    As soon as the buzzer sounded, I flew to the cornucopia. I grabbed a backpack and a throwing knife, then I flew directly upwards, not wanting to be in the blood bath. But the other flying types had the same idea. A fletchling and Venomoth dive bombed me. I used ominous wind to blow them away. I heard three cannons, two of which were for fletchling and Venomoth. I flew out of there as fast as I could, with Demi right behind me. I looked back to see a meowstick on her back. "A meowstick is on your back!" I yelled to her. "I know!" She replied calmly.

We went in for a landing.  The meowstick leaped off her back. "Thank you kindly, " he said to her. "No problem," Demi replied. "Let's get to shelter," I said to them, taking the lead. We walked, as to not give our whereabouts away to other flying types. We came across a cave. "Let's stop here for the night," Demi suggested. "That would be splendid!" Wisp agreed.  " Sure," I replied. We unpacked, and I noticed Wisp had a Katana and a bow. "Wow, you got good gear," I commented. "Why, thank you" he replied. I opened my pack, only to realize it was empty. "Oh my God, my pack is empty!" I exclaimed. There was a hole in the bottom. "Mine is too!" Demi said, shocked. Wisp's pack had supplies, and he generously shared a little. "Thank you wisp!" Demi said as he handed her an Oran berry. He handed me a leppa berry. "Thanks," I thanked him. He pulled out a juice box. "I am so very glad that my supplies were still in tact," he said, sipping his juice box. "Me too," Demi replied. "Me three," I added.

        Sark's pov:

When the buzzer went off, I ran for the cornucopia. I grabbed a knife with my mouth, and I was picked up off the ground. I looked up to see a Tranquil carrying me. "Let me go!" I screamed through the knife. "If you insist," he said, and dropped me. "AHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed as I fell, still holding the knife. The tranquil started to dive for me, realizing what he had done. But a pidgeot crashed into him, and he went spiraling to the ground. I was about to hit the ground. I closed my eyes, but instead of a hard impact, I fell into the arms of Scarlett. "Thank you so much!" I exclaimed. I got up and looked around. The tranquil was a few meters away on the ground. Three cannons sounded. "No....." I said as I ran to his side. But he was dead. "Come on, let's go," Scarlett said to me gently. "Ok," I whispered with grief. We walked through the forest. All of a sudden, a furfrou leaped out of the brush. On instinct I threw my knife. He dodged it and tackled Scarlett. I used helping hand on Scarlett, and she got back to her feet. I used iron tail on him, and he ran away. We continued on, more cautious this time. We stopped at a particularly branchy tree. "Climb," Scarlett directed me. I did, and she followed. We set up camp, and sat quietly, waiting to drop on somebody.

         Unknown pov:

I used extreme speed to be the first one at the cornucopia. I grabbed everything I would need. Bow, poison, Sword, I checked things off as I grabbed them. I was in the middle of the blood bath, and I used fury swipes to force my way through. When I reached the edge, I bolted. I heard three cannons.

I ran headfirst into Treeko, and I fell to the ground. I stood up, and so did he. I raced behind him and hit him with gunk shot. He fell lifeless to the ground, and I set off again. Two cannons sounded. I met up with my allie in a small clearing. "Nice to see you Demo," I said to the lilipup. "Hey Lineoone," she said. "My name is Streak," I corrected her. "Ok, sheesh," she muttered. She jumped on my back like we practiced, and I ran back to the cornucopia as fast as my legs would take me, using extreme speed to go even faster.

When I rocketed past the cornucopia, screeching to a stop, Demo leaped off my back, landing on Delphfox and using bite to snap his neck. She then flipped onto dewott, and used attract to immobilize him. I used fury swipes to finish him off. Three cannons sounded. We took their gear and unpacked in the cornucopia. The sun was setting. I looked to the sky, and watched who had died. Fletchling, Venomoth, Tranquil, Treeko, Delphfox, Dewott, and Pidgeot. I sighed. Sure, I was in it to win it, but it was still sad.

       Floss the Bayleef's pov:

I ran from the cornucopia, I wasn't going to die in the Blood Bath! As soon as I made it out, three cannons sounded. "Phew, that could've been me," I Said to myself. Seconds later, another one sounded.  I searched for edible plants, and found a whole bush of Leppa berries. I ate one, and three more cannons sounded. I spat out the berry in surprise as I jumped at the sudden noise. I rolled my eyes and ate another.

(I made the Blood Bath chapter extra long!!!)    :)


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