Chapter 2

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I waited until my mother and father had gone to bed to sneak out. I took a deep breath and slowly got out of bed and skipped ever so lovingly to my closet. Should I dress casual? In a suit? My best prince attire? Fuck, dressing yourself is harder than it may seem. I decided to dress casually, I want Phil to think of me as a potential lover, not a prince that could hurt him in any minute. I sighed at the thought... Could I potentially be a ticking time bomb for him..? I shook my head to get rid of such ridiculous thought, I'll make sure it does not end like that, if it has to end at all. I opened my door as quietly as possible and poked my head out to make sure no one was guarding or wandering around the hall, and slowly tip toed out. With every step I took, I made sure to be as quiet as possible, while looking over my shoulder every 3 seconds. I decided going through the front doors was to risky, and decided to go through the servants quarters. Praying to every god imaginable, I sneaked around the castle. 

As I approached the door, I heard nothing but absolute silence. I sighed in relief, but my heart was anything but. It was beating so quickly, I was almost afraid it could be heard throughout the castle. And as I turned the doorknob ever so slowly, I heard a small but certainly assertive, "Ahem."

My heart sunk to the floor, and my face scrunched up tightly. Slowly, hesitantly, and regretfully, I turned around to see who had caught me.

Helga stood with her hands on her hips and her foot tapping impatiently, "And where do you think you're going, Prince Daniel James Howell The Third?"

I avoided looking into Helga's eyes which was difficult since  she looked right up at me with a suspicious glare in her eyes. "N.. no where Helga."

She scoffed, "Well, it seems to me like it's somewhere. You're dressed in your best casual clothing. Tell me, you're highness, is there somewhere you're going and not telling me?"

I bit my lip and stared into her iridescent, hazel eyes. "Helga.. I.. I met someone in town today. He was handsome and he was ever so kind.. And.. And he didn't see me as a prince, but as someone like himself. Just another human.. And... Oh Helga, you must let me go."

Helga's livid stare turned into a compassionate and hopeful one, "You found a..." she looked around and whispered, "a boy?"

I nodded and smiled a little, "It might not mean anything though, but just.. Please let me do this? And if you do let me, please do no tell mother, father, or Adrian. I just.. I just want to express this part of myself, Helga. The part I ever so desperately tried to stash away."

"Don't you worry my dear prince. You know your secrets are safe with me." She slapped my butt and laughed quietly, "Now go on, follow your destiny."

I covered my arse and laughed, "I shall!"

And with that, I slowly sneaked away into the darkness, making sure to stay hidden. The kingdom was quiet at night, there where no bustling citizens filling the streets. But as I was stood at the gate of the castle my legs where too shaken to move. My cheeks where flushed ever so slightly, and then I noticed something else. I was holding my breath. Was I really going to do this? I turned to the castle with a doubtful look, then immediately turned around and nodded. Of course I am.. I have to.  

I made sure to collect my scattered thoughts and began walking towards the fruit cart where I met Phil earlier. With every step my heart was beating even faster than the last. Excitement and fear where pumping from my heart, into my veins, and thus circulating throughout my whole entire body. This is the first time that I've felt like myself, I was meeting with a boy, not a girl. There was no pressure from my parents. It.. It was all happening naturally, as it should be. My heart fluttered as I saw Phil leaning against the fruit cart. I noticed his head was looking down to his feet but as I got closer and closer, his head shot right up. Even under the dim light, I could see the grin on his face and the blush blending in with his cheeks. 

My smile only grew wider as I got closer to him, "Hey." I said with a happy sigh after.

Phil's blue eyes sparkled under the dim lamp post , "Uh.. Hi. I mean.. Hey.. Daniel."

I chuckled at his adorableness and leaned slightly against the cart, "You can call me Dan, you know."

Phil looked back down to his shoes again, "I'm sorry, I'm not so good at this.. This.. Thing!"

I put my hand over my mouth to quiet my laughter, and Phil did the same once he finished glaring at me. And as he laughed, I stared at him, completely gawking at him. His eyes closed slightly and his little tongue poked out of the corner... Holy fuck, he's the most adorable thing in this universe. I was entranced by him, my smile grew and I felt my eyes soften as I stared at him. He stopped laughing and looked up again, and our eyes met. For that moment, the world around me melted, it was just me and him.

"W.. Well," Phil began, "Where are we off to?"

"Ah, see, I was thinking of making it a bit off a surprise."

"Hm. Fine, but you might have to lead me."

"Very well then," I held my hand out to him and waited until he was confident enough to take it, "It will have to be a surprise though."

Phil hesitantly took my hand, even in this poor lighting I could tell his cheeks where a bright red. "I really like surprises."

I pulled him closer, my lips pressing against his ear, "And I really like you."

-Phil's POV-

My heart skipped a few beats as I heard those words flow around in my head. 'I really like you'. The prince of the God damn country just said he liked me. Is this even real life?

As he put a blindfold around my eyes, I could feel my hand tighten around his. "You're my eyes, Daniel, please don't let me trip or die."

I could hear the smile in his voice as he pulled a little on my hand to signal me to start walking, "Don't worry Phil, you can trust me."

I nodded slightly and held onto him as I wobbled slightly, "How far is this mystery place, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Not too far, hush now."

I could feel Daniel's arm pull me closer to his body, he was radiating with heat. Which was good on this slightly chilly night. I ever so desperately just wanted to sit in my cabin and snuggle up like this with him, but I'm not that easy to win over, usually anyway. I shook my head slowly and focused on taking a step at a time, but also putting my full trust into the man next to me.

And after about 10 minutes of silence and walking, we came to an abrupt halt. "What? What happened?"

"Stand still." Daniel ordered, I could hear the smile on his face.

As the blindfold was lifted, the view in front of me was phenomenal. A large picnic blanket was laid across the grass with candles on the four corners, and not only that but in little jars, I noticed fireflies. But that wasn't the best part, the picnic was near a cliff, and below that cliff was the ocean. The sounds of the waves crashing into the rock below us, and all of this... It was... Spectacular, for the lack of better words.

"Daniel.." I began to say, "Daniel.. It's gorgeous. H..How did you-"

"I snuck away to set this up for you. I hope it's not rubbish.."

"Rubbish? Are you actually kidding me? This is the most amazing thing anyone has ever done for me."

Daniel sat down on the picnic blanket and held out his hand, "Well, come join me then."

I took his hand much more confidently than the first time, "Don't mind if I do."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2015 ⏰

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