Chapter 2 (DisneyLand and Holding Hands)

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We get to Disney Land and I stop everyone.

"I should probably tell you right now. I'm really afraid of roller coasters."

"Don't worry I'll hold your hand!" Jace says smiling his adorable smile at me, I blush and say thank you. Riele and Ella tell the boys to get in line for Space Mountain and pull me aside.

"JACE TOTALLY LIKES YOU!" They both say at the same time. 

"I'm two years younger then him he's probably just being nice." I explain. After the surprise yesterday the whole cast and I went out for a bit and so we all became super close.

"Lettuce listen to me!I know Jace. Last time we surprised a fan and took her to Disney when she said she was scared of roller coasters he didn't hold her hand." Riele said using my nickname that everyone calls me since my last name is Romaine and that's a type of lettuce.

"Ri, no he doesn't. If you think so then find out and tell me tonight." I say. We were only supposed to have one sleepover, but everyone including Cooper are staying the night at Jace's LA house to help me prep for the audition tomorrow. With that we get in line for Space Mountain. As we walk to the carts I start panicking and Jace grabs my hand and pulls me into a seat. Riele and Ella who are sitting infront of us look back and wink at me. I roll my eyes then the ride starts. We take off and I instantly start screaming. Jace puts his arms around me and pulls me close. I put my head in the crook of his neck and when the ride is over I don't even realize until I hear Riele and Ella snapping pictures.

"RI! EL!" I yell at them to stop as Jace and I step out of our carts.It goes like this for the rest of the trip. Then we arrive at Jace's. Time to prep.

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