Chapter 1 (5 Special Guests At PDCMS)

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As I walk in through the front gate everyone are taking pictures and whispering and pointing at me. Weird. I walk up to my four best friends, Hailey, Eylse, Trinity, and Makenna. 

"Guys whats going on?" 

"NOTHING!" They all say in unison.Well, that was weird. The bell rings signaling its time for first period. Hailey and I walk together since we have first period together.

"I'm gonna video tape Student of the Month today!" Hailey says

"Why? Its like it always is. Choir sings, Colorguard preforms, Cheer preforms, and some dancers preform. Whats so special about today?" I ask really confused because normally we just ignore the principal and talk.

"You'll see" And with that we sit down. We sit right next to eachother so we whisper as our ELA teacher Mrs.Taylor takes attendance then we begin to walk to the MPR with everyone else. Once we get there we watch everything then Mrs.Frazier comes up to talk.

"Good morning Panthers! Before we begin I would like to welcome five special guests to PDCMS!" Everyone looks at me and begins to pull out their phones and record... What the heck?!

"Please give a warm Panther welcome to Jace Norman, Riele Downs, Ella Anderson, Sean Ryan Fox, and Cooper Barnes!" I bust into tears as all of the cameras turn on me.

"If there is an Hailee Romaine in 8th grade in the audience can she please come up here please!" Jace says. I do as told and they all give me a hug. Jace hands me a paper and asks me to read it out loud.

"Hailee! Congratulations! You have won a trip to Disney Land with the cast of Henry Danger, a 5,000 dollar shopping spree with them, a tour of the set, a chance to audition, and a sleepover with Riele and Ella! OHMIGOSH I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!!!" I bust out crying and they all hug me as the crowd of students cheer and clap. 

"Hailee how do you feel?" Riele asks.

"Like I'm on a school version of Ellen!" Making everyone laugh.

"Hailee, Is there anything you'd like to say before you leave for two days?" Mrs.Frazier asks as someone hands me my back pack.

"See ya in two days suckers!" I say as I exit with the cast. This is gonna be great!

A/N: I changed some stuff. This will be better then the preview I promise. Also: Hailey Makenna Eylse and Trinity are all my actual friends. PDCMS is my actual school and Mrs.Frazier is my actual principal. And, Mrs.Taylor is my legit ELA teacher. The rest is a dream. I'll update as often as I can.

Love ya'll


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