Chapter 18:

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"I can't believe this!" I gasped then turned to leave, I can't stay here

"where do you think you're going Love?" he said and that made me disgust I trusted him and he's some kind of a freak

"you're sick" I spat out I ran to the door, but he was faster as I got to the door he was behind me and held me as I screamed

"let me go!" I screamed

"you can scream as loud as you can, no one will hear you" he said in a cold tone, then he hugged me from behind and I was shaking trying to push him away as he tried to kiss my neck

"Let go you bastard" I screamed he turned me around and I saw rage in his eyes, he held his hand high then it landed on my face, the spot felt hot and the pain was too much that I couldn't hold the tears in as I fell on the floor, he bend down and held my face

"oh love please don't cry you know I can't handle your tears" he said wiping the tears away as he kisses my check and I turned my face away from him

"look at me when I'm talking to you" he shouted aggressively as he turned my face to face his, he was holding my cheeks too tights that I cried

"please, let me go" I pleased

"no, now that I got you, I will never let go of you" he said then held my wrist and made me stand as he pushed me upstairs I tried to run, to hit him but nothing worked he was stronger and taller, we reached a door ad he opened it, it was a room only had a bed and a closet and a closed window he throw me in and I landed on the floor, I noticed the wall facing me and I gasped it had drawings of me all the wall had pictures of me and drawings, oh my god!

"sleep tight, Love we have a lot to talk about tomorrow morning" he said then closed the door and I ran banging on it, I tried opening it but of course it was locked

"Julian, don't do this to me, I'm afraid of closed places, get me out of here, please" I shouted then my voice lowered into a whisper as I spoke then I slid holding into the door and sat on the floor crying, I noticed the window and ran to it, I opened it hoping I could jump from here and run but it was blocked by a big piece of wood I tried moving it but it didn't work I sat on the bed thinking what to do, but I had nothing no one knew I was here except for Martha but if she calls to check in I'm sure he'll lie to her I have no chance of getting out of here at this moment, I buried my face in the pillow as a sobbed, "Blake help I need you!" I whispered as I cried myself to sleep

I was woken up by a bang on the door I opened my eyes and Julian was on the door holding a tray on his hand

"Good morning sweet heart, did you sleep well?" he said in his normal voice, he looked like the same Julian that I knew he acted as if nothing happened and everything was just normal, he was definitely a crazy person, I'm afraid that if I did anything wrong he'll hurt me

"yeah I did, what about you?" I asked faking a smile, I have to fool him that's the only way I could get out of here

"yeah, I wish you were by my side though but we will work on that" he said walking to me "I bought breakfast" he added putting it on the little table next to bed when he bend down I noticed my phone on his back pocket I slowly slid my hand in and took it and put it under the pillow quickly before he turns around

"checking my butt aren't you" he spoke then turned around

"couldn't resist" I smiled nervously he sat next to me in bed and put a piece of hair behind my ear, I tried my best not to push him away because him being close to me made me disgust

"eat your breakfast, and I will come check up on you later, okay love" he said smiling and I nodded faking a smile he locked the door and I heard his footsteps slowly fading away I took my phone to text Blake then the footsteps were coming again

I met him on a bus (bad boy story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora