Chapter 2

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As fast as lightning, I ran after Go-Go. I lightly set my hand on her shoulder and the stood completely still, frozen by the gesture. She took a deep breath, and pushed my hand off her shoulder. Traditionally, I would have expected most girls to turn around dramatically, fall into my arms, and cry. But this was Go-Go Tomago we were talking about. She turned around at a normal speed and glared into my eyes with ferocity that was indescribable. She didn't even say a word. She just kept a steady glare, and small drips of sweat ran down my forehead. Finally, I spoke.

"Go-Go, what are you really doing here?"

"I...I...I needed to find you. We haven't heard from you in weeks. I was scared that something happened to you. The rest of the team have been pretty frazzled too. We couldn't reach you, and going to the café would have been an invasion of privacy. But we sorta figured it out. I just needed to know... that you're okay."

Wow. Was I okay? I didn't know. I really wanted to give her the cold shoulder and tell her what she did was stupid, but I didn't. I stepped a few inches closer to her and I could feel my heartbeat quicken rapidly. I looked into those dark, almost black eyes, slowly pulled her into a hug. After a few seconds, I stepped back, and turned around and walked out the door. She didn't stop me. I couldn't tell what she did. A thousand thoughts were running through my head at once. She didn't move when I hugged her. Did I do something wrong with that? She has the most unique eyes that anybody has ever seen. I grew so much since the last time I saw her, how is she still taller then me? Her hair looks so vibrant, maybe it's just the lighting. Wow. Go-Go Tomago is stunning...

I walked back down to the Lucky Cat Café, ran into my room, and collapsed on the bed. Aunt Cass was asleep, I could hear her snoring lightly. I whipped off my jacket and slipped on an old red shirt and crawled into bed, with Go-Go on my mind...

"Good morning Hiro."

I awoke face-to-face with something blindingly white.

"AHH! Oh, Baymax, it's just you!" I laughed and then sighed, trying to slow down my heart rate.

"Somebody was here earlier, downstairs. She said that she was looking for you."

Just like that, the hope that Go-Go was looking for me raised my heart rate to incredible speeds.

"Well, Baymax, who was it?" I questioned.

"I did not recognize her."

"Well, can you describe her?"

"I will try. She had golden, long hair, pink glasses, a yellow dress, a pink headband, and yellow high heels."

"Honey Lemon..." I muttered under my breath.

"Assigning friend identification as 'Honey Lemon.'."

"Haha, thanks Baymax. What did she say?"

"She wanted to converse with you about 'Leiko Tanaka', also known as 'Go-Go Tomago'."

"Go-Go's real name is Leiko?"

"It would appear so, yes."

"Hm. Alright, i'll see you later Baymax. I'm going to Honey Lemon's."

"See you later, Hiro."

I ran out of the café and down the street to H.L's house. I rang the doorbell and she opened the door and invited me inside.

"Thanks Honey L. Baymax told me that you needed to talk to me?" I inquired.

"Oh, yes! I forgot, thanks for reminding me, Hiro! So, Go-Go told me that you were bot fighting again. Is that true?" Honey didn't accuse me, she just tilted her head and looked at me, and was patient for an answer.

"Uh... yeah, I'm bot fighting."

"Really?" Honey looked at me with wide eyes.

"Yeah. Sorry."

"But... why? You haven't contacted anybody in months. We're still a team."

"I was trying to forget it."

"Why were you trying to forget it? I thought that we were a team. We stick together, no matter what."

"But this is personal. I don't want to discuss it specifically."

"I respect that, Hiro!" Honey Lemon said with her gentle accent.

At that moment, Go-Go burst into the room, her makeup was smeared slightly and her hair was a mess. She lost her jacket and she had a crazed look in her eyes. Honey ran past me as Go-Go started to hyperventilate. She then fell to the floor and put her head in her hands. Honey was trying to reach her in this state, but to no avail. I needed to hold her. I needed to make sure that she was okay. I took a step forward and Honey nodded at me, as if to say, It's okay Hiro. This is your chance to make things right. So, I took the opportunity. I walked slowly up to her, and I put a hand on her knee. I thought she would move away or kick me, but she didn't. I then sat next to her, and placed an arm around her shoulders. She leaned her head on my shoulder and I wrapped my other arm around her. A warm, savory feeling blossomed over my entire body. I felt at peace. I looked up for a moment, and Honey Lemon mouthed an awhhhhhhhh! I shook my head and smiled. The beautiful Go-Go in my arms had calmed down a tiny bit. She was still breathing roughly, but not as hard as she was before. I didn't try anything other then holding her, but she seemed smaller. I think I was finally getting taller then her. Her eyes were still wild, but they seemed to be a little tamer. She wasn't crying, but she looked more angry then sad. She was as rigid as a board. She seemed to be afraid of moving the slightest bit. Honey was sitting on the opposite side of Go-Go, and she was whispering things into her ear. Go-Go started to nod and shake her head as Honey asked her questions. Finally, after about an hour and a half, Honey took her hand and they stood.

"T-thanks Hiro..." Go-Go whispered.

"It was no problem, Go-Go..." I muttered back.

Honey gave me a slight bow, and she took Go-Go's hand and led her out the door. As they walked out, I lay on the floor, trying to process what just happened. I couldn't help but let a smile slip across my face. I held Go-Go Tomago.


Shorter Chapter, sorry! But eh, a little fluff for yall. Hope you guys loved it! Comment what you want to see in chapters to come! Thanks for reading!



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