Chapter 60: Youthful Plans

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"Alright guys, listen up! We have plans for tonight!" An excited Patrick Kane announces as he makes his way down the stairs.

I glance over at Ally, and she's looking back at me, a small smile on her face, as she blushes slightly.

Her eyes then flitter back over to where Patrick has taken his first step onto the main floor of the apartment.

It's Saturday, December 20, at about 7:20 in the evening.

Ally and I hung out together all day.

Patrick and I had a quick morning practice, but as soon as I returned home, we hung out together.

We took a trip to Millennium Park, as well as the Chicago Art Museum.

Afterwards, we headed back to the apartment, where we watched TV, cuddled, and made out.

It's been a successful day.

And with each passing second, I find myself falling more and more in love with her.

So cheesy, I know right.

But I can't describe it in any other way.

There's something about her, and I feel so blessed to finally have her back in Chicago.

"Alright Pat, what's the plan?" Ally asks, raising her eyebrows as she looks over at Patrick.

He holds his phone up in the air, and then reads off of it.

"Andrew has invited the three of us to The Violet Hour tonight, at 8:00! He says that a bunch of the guys on the team are going to be there with their wives and girlfriends. We should totally go." Pat explains.

I smile at the ground.

"What about Abigail?" Ally asks.

"She has family plans tonight. So, it's just the three of us." Pat replies.

Ally nods, and then glances over to me, a small smile on her face.

"What do you think, Jonny? Should we go?" Ally asks.

"Whatever you want to do." I smile.

"Come on guys! Let's go! Please! It will be fun. It's a Saturday night, let's go have fun!" Pat chuckles.

Ally shrugs.

"I'm down." She says.

I nod.

"Yeah, sure. I'll drive." I say, getting up off of the couch, Ally's hand in mine.

"Sweet." Pat says, as the three of us make our way to the entrance of the apartment.

The Violet Hour is a little ways away from Trump Tower, and especially with the somewhat-icy weather conditions, we should probably be leaving right away if we want to get there by eight.

We all throw on our jackets and shoes, and then we make our way down to the underground parking lot.

I get into the driver's seat, Ally gets into the passenger's side, and Patrick takes the back row.

"Tonight is going to be sick." Pat says, from the back.

"We're not staying out the whole night, Pat." Ally reminds, giggling.   

"Come on! It's Saturday night!" He whines, like a little kid.

"Oh Patrick." Ally shakes her head, laughing.

I smile, before backing out the vehicle and driving out of the parking lot.

We drive for about thirty minutes, and we get onto one of the suburban highways, leading out of Downtown Chicago.

The Violet Hour is near the United Center.

The roads are busy, and the sky is dimly lit.

The sun has set, but the city is not pitch black yet.   

"This reminds me of old times once again." Pat says, bluntly.

"Why?" Ally asks, sounding puzzled.

"Oh, simply because I don't have Abigail here with me, and so I'm third-wheeling it, once again." Pat chuckles.

I laugh.

"Just like in the summer." Ally winks, back at Pat.

Pat laughs, as he runs a hand through his curls.

I look over at Ally for a brief second, and reach my hand out to hold hers.

The fact that Pat has brought up summer and all those memories just makes me want to hold her hand once again.

Her green eyes meet mine.

Fascination sparks within me.

"JONATHAN!" Patrick cries suddenly from the back seat, in a frantic tone.

Not just frantic.


The kind of tone that someone uses in times of pure horror.

I look straight ahead, and my eyes widen.

And in a matter of milliseconds, a giant semi-truck that is sliding out of control due to the slippery roads, is coming flying towards us.

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