Chapter 2

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"Come on, you'll be fine." Said aunt Charlotte before opening the car door and stepping out of the car. Alexa took a deep breath and did as her aunt had done. In front of her was an apartment building. This made almost no sense because her uncle was rich before he died.

She followed her aunt inside and to the elevator. Alexa had to admit that the apartment building was quite fancy. She watched as her aunt pressed the button to the 20th floor. She wasn't really one for heights.

What surprised Alexa was that, once they got off the elevator, there was only one apartment door. She examined the cool lock. It wasn't even a lock, actually. It was a code you had to put in so the door could unlock. "Do you wanna open it?" Asked her aunt. Alexa shrugged, not sure if she could do it. "The code is 7536." Aunt Charlotte said and stepped back a little.

Alexa took a step closer to the little keypad and pressed the buttons according to the correct number. Every button had it's own music note. The little light flashed green and she pushed the door open.

She was greeted by warm gray walls and a beautiful dark blue rug. She stepped inside and couldn't believe how beautiful everything was. To her left, there was a tall closet with sliding mirrors as doors. On her other side was a little metallic table that would hold keys or coffees while the person took off their shoes. "It's so beautiful!" She said and took her shoes off. This was only the beginning. In front of her was a wall of tainted glass, so there was a hallway that went both ways.

"Left is to the kitchen and living room and right is to the bedrooms and bathrooms." Her aunt explained. Alexa decided to go left. The corridor was rather short but what it led to was amazing.

There was a huge living room. The TV was right in front of her, hanging from the wall. But, between her and the TV, there was a huge leather couch. It was gray and white. She smiled. Her aunt likes gray apparently. She looked left again and her jaw dropped. The whole wall was made of one piece of glass. From where she was, Alexa could perfectly see the setting sun. The sky was pink and orange. This was probably going to be her favourite part of the house.

In the left corner of the window was one of this bubble chairs hanging from the ceiling. She turned to the right side to find a little couch. Just big enough to fit two. It looked like lips. That was probably where her aunt and uncle sat to watch the sunset.

On the other side of the room was a dining room table with 6 chairs. In front of it was a huge window which overlooked the city. She turned her back to the window and there was the kitchen. It was a huge kitchen. The cabinets were very dark wood and the appliances were very expensive. The counter tops were white granite with little flecks of pink and grey and just a little brown. It was really beautiful. There was a big island separating the kitchen from the other room. She sat at the counter and smiled.

"It's so beautiful, aunt Charlotte." She said. Her aunt giggled. "Thank you honey, but you haven't seen everything yet." She said and started walking to the other part of the penthouse apartment. Alexa followed her aunt down the hallway. She was surprised to see that it slightly curved to the right to go almost all the way around the building. The walls were still grey but a softer, lighter grey. The doors were different colours.

The first one was light green. Beyond it, there was a beautiful game room. A huge TV with the newest Xbox and a sound system which surrounded the whole room.

The next door was dark blue. That was Tom's room. The room was locked.

The third door was light purple. That was the luxurious guest bedroom. It wasn't describable. The bed was huge and the colors of the room matched very well. She could see the open door which led to the bathroom.

The next door was light pink. That one was Alexa's room. She opened the door and gasped. It was so beautiful. There was another bubble shaped seat hanging from the ceiling in the corner. There was a huge white bookcase with so many books but also some empty shelves for her own books. The bed was queen sized and covered with a hot pink comforter. The closet was obviously walk-in an the bathroom had a jacuzzi in it. There were little round rugs splattered around the room. They were light blue like little puddles of water. The floor was dark wood and the walls were such a light pink that they could be seen as white. Well, except the wall behind her bed. That one was hot pink. She smiled and flopped down on the bed.

"I guess you like it." Said aunt Charlotte, sitting down on the bed and smiling. "I love it." She exclaimed. "Well, I had five months to make it." Said her aunt smiling. "I'll get started on dinner, you can rest or unpack or do whatever you wish." Her aunt said, walking out of the room.

Alexa walked over to the bookcase. So many books. From classics like Pride and Prejudice to Harry Potter to The House Of Night to Pretty Little Liars. She had so many books.

She spotted a gray cover and took out the book. Thirteen Reasons Why. She had heard about that book before. From what she had heard, it was a very good book. She smiled and walked to the hanging bubble chair. She put the book down on the pretty blue pillows and walked to the kitchen.

She needed a snack so her aunt gave her some cookies and milk. Alexa didn't mind so she took the cookies to her room and sat in the bubble chair. From there, she could see the city through her window. The lights were already on all over the city making it glow. Alexa opened the book and started reading.


I know it's kinda short but it's something like a filler chapter. I'm sorry for not updating. I had writer's block. Hope you enjoyed!! :)

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