"Hey! Stop! What in the name of Hades are you doing?" The other basketball players yelled. Their shouts seemed to bring him back, and he relinquished his control on the kid's blood, who collapsed and weakly drew air. 

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to...." Percy said shakily. He sat down, hard. He was disgusted with himself. The kid he had attacked got up and ran away as fast as he could in his weakened state, wobbling a bit as he went. Percy felt awful. 

"Go to the infirmary...." Percy tried to tell him, but then the other basketball players-- kids of Ares, it seemed-- set upon him, sensing his fatigue. Evidently, they weren't afraid of him now that he was visibly defenseless. They started to beat him senseless. He didn't even try to fight back. He deserved it, and he let them pummel him to their hearts' content. He barely felt the pain through his haze of self-hatred. Percy barely heard the conch as it signaled lunch; the Ares kids looked at each other and dragged him behind the nearest cabin where no one would see him on their way to lunch. He stared at their retreating backs, feeling exceedingly dizzy. He felt shamed and humiliated. He couldn't believe what he had just done. He felt sick to his stomach and dry heaved repeatedly until he passed out. The last thing he remembered was a strong feeling of regret before the blackness took him.


Percy was being shaken awake, but the thing that really roused him was the sobbing. 

"Oh my gods, Percy, what happened?" Percy saw something glimmering. He stared at it in abstract confusion for a few seconds before realizing that it was a large diamond.

"H-Hazel?" Percy asked blearily. "Why are you here?" 

"Oh my gods, are you okay?" Hazel asked frantically, ignoring his question.

"I didn't know there were diamonds in Camp Half-Blood," was all Percy could say before he passed out again. 

Percy woke up in the infirmary this time, and he saw Chiron. 

"Percy, you must tell me what has happened. I mean it this time; it is of utmost importance," the centaur said urgently, upon seeing Percy's eyes open. Percy's whole body ached, and there was a bad taste in his mouth. Chiron looked regretful, and offered him some ambrosia. He ate it obediently and immediately felt better. 

"What happened?" Chiron prompted worriedly. 

"Chiron, have you ever heard of gods taking away their kid's powers?" Percy asked tentatively, fidgeting with his blankets.

"Is that what's happening to you?" Chiron's brow creased. Percy nodded, then amended, "Well, I think so, anyway. It's like I'm losing control of my powers, and I-" Percy broke off. He gazed out the window, a look of pain on his face. 

"You're losing control of your powers? When did this start?" Chiron asked, his brown eyes worried. 

"Ever since...ever since T-Tartarus," Percy forced out. He couldn't bear to think of that place. He didn't think he'd ever forget it, or the stain it had left on his mind. He felt his face crumple and his lip wobble. 

"Ah," Chiron said. "Can you pinpoint one event that might have started this?" the centaur asked. Percy shook his head, but spoke anyway. "It was when we were facing Akhlys," He began brokenly, seeing the scene in his mind. His eyes unfocused as he forced himself to relive it. "There was poison, a poison mist of sorts." He stopped to take a deep breath. "And I could control it, and I tortured her, and I didn't want to stop...." Percy whispered. "I don't know what happened, or why I felt like that, but ever since, I haven't been...right. My mind, it's different, I don't think normal thoughts, and I want to hurt people, torture them, because I'm more powerful than them! And I hate it, I hate it when I think like this, but I can't stop," Percy said, looking helplessly at Chiron. 

"I have never heard of this happening, not during all of my time. I've never heard of something like this," Chiron's eyes were full of pain for Percy, but he didn't seem disgusted, like Percy had expected. 

"Do you have any idea how to fix this? How to fix...me?" Percy asked desperately. 

"I have one idea, but it's not much of a plan," Chiron said, and then the door burst open. 

"Where is he?" Annabeth yelled wildly; she couldn't see Percy, who was behind Chiron. 

"He's right here, my dear," he told her gently. His tail swished. Seeing them both in such states clearly caused him pain.

"Percy!" Annabeth sobbed, "Why do you end up in the infirmary every other day? Do you know what it's like for me?" Then she seemed to notice his condition.

"Percy, what happened?" She whispered, taking his hand. "You're all pale and skinny and bruised!" Chiron looked at Percy, as if seeking permission. Percy nodded, the action making him feel woozy, and Chiron told Annabeth what Percy had just told him. He was glad that Chiron was explaining for him; he didn't think he could do it again. He faced away from Annabeth; he did not want to see her expression. He was sure that she would be horrified and hate him. He stifled a sob; he didn't want to lose her. 

"Oh Percy!" Annabeth sobbed when Chiron was done talking. He stood up and walked out of the room, leaving them alone. 

"My poor Seaweed Brain!" Tears streaked down her face, and she dashed them away. Taking a breath, she forcefully willed the tears away. She had always been impossibly strong.

"Y-you don't hate me?" 

"Gods no!" She gave a shaky laugh. "Any more stupid questions?"

"Yeah actually. You're not disgusted? By me?"

"Of course not, dummy! If anything, I'm relieved that I know now...it all makes sense; how you were acting, the way you reacted to certain things-- it makes sense, and I'm so, so glad!" She gave a little dry sob.

"Come on, Wise Girl, don't cry," Percy said. He reached out with a shaking hand and laid it against her cheek. When she didn't object, just gazed at him with her flinty gray eyes, he wiped away her tear tracks. He was so happy. Happy that Annabeth wasn't disgusted. Happy that she was still standing by his side, even after this. 

"I love you, you know," he told her.

"I do know. And I love you too," Annabeth said, smiling wetly. She wiped away her tears and said, "Come on, let's get out of here." 


A/N: Notice how I put some Solangelo in there? I couldn't resist, I'm Solangelo trash! I hope you like this chapter and jesus it's 2200 words! Hope it's long enough for you! Anyway before I stop harassing you with my awkwardness, I'd love if you guys comment, drop a vote and share this story! I love feedback :)

this chapter has been edited now too, and honestly i'm cringing at my author's notes they're so bad i'm sorry. anyway, idk if i should mention it every time a chapter has been edited ?? idk

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