Chapter 11: Scout's Secret

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Cordalina, Aywin, And Scout headed to the Teerackinyth Tower, A tower where wizards and alchemists live. when they finally make it there, they lay on the light brown trail, panting. "Agh, god that took so long" Aywin said, rolling around. "Uggghhhh" Cordalina groaned, looking at the height of the tower. "Do we have to.. go all the way up there?" Scout said, pointing at the top of the tower. "Yeah" Aywin said, standing up. Scout got up and carried Cordalina to the gate. "You're welcome, your majesty" Scout said, teasing her. "Yeah, yeah..." Cordalina said, already walking up to the top. "Well, we're off" Aywin said, following Cordalina.

They finally made it to the top and they didn't feel tired for once. "It wasn't THAT bad, Cordalina said, looking down off the edge of the tower. "Who's that?" Aywin said, pointing at a dark corner of the tower. Kyo is standing in the dark corner, twirling her sword. "Kyo!?" Scout yelled. "Ha, missed me?" Kyo said, walking into the light. Kyo notices Cordalina, the one who knocked Kyo out yesterday. "You!" Princess Kyo said, pointing at Cordalina. "Maybe I should deal with you first" Princess Kyo said, smiling greedily. Cordalina stared at her, not saying anything. Kirathrynia's words echo through Cordalina's head "Go ahead" Cordalina heard Kirathrynia's voice and understood. Cordalina grows wings and a tail, similar to a dragon. she grows a spike crown, looking a lot like Kirathrynia. A red light runs through Cordalina's veins and into her wrists, her hands glow a red light. "Ready?" Cordaljna said, with her eyes glowing red. Kyo tries kicking at Cordalina, Cordalina hits Kyo's leg with her tail. Kyo punches Cordalina to the ground. "Gah!" Cordalina said, adjusting her wings. "A twit like you doesn't deserve to live" Kyo said, crossing her arms. Cordalina snaps her fingers and chains surround Kyo. Kyo struggles to get out. "Agh! stop it" Lyo yelled. The chains get tighter, choking her. "Royal..." Cordalina said with her glowing eyes staring into Kyo. Kyo breaks the chains with a rock on the ground. Kyo holds a blue light in her hand. she throws several spikes at Cordalina, Cordalina dodges a few but gets stabbed "AGH!" Cordalina screamed. Scout steps in front of Cordalina. Kyo stabs Scout, his blood turns solid, Scout transfigures into a demon. "What th-" Scout grabs Kyo's neck with his white knuckles and throws her off the tower, leaving her blacked out and deeply injured. Cordalina changes back, losing the crown, tail, and wings. Scout transforms back to his normal human state. "Thanks" Cordalina said, looking up at Scout with her normal light blue eyes. "Anything for a friend" Scout said, smiling. Aywin is sitting in the corner, terrified. "What... The... Hell..." Aywin said, shivering...


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