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'ASL: modern AU. It's midnight and Ace can't sleep. Luffy is curled up beside him, and there's an oddly empty spot on the creaky orphanage bed.'
Well here you go Willow!
Ace gave a long, shaky breath as he lay in bed, hands over his eyes. He can hear the alarm clock on the other side of the room, ticking slowly, waiting for 6:15 to arrive. It's infuriating, the noise seems to be mocking him. Usually the room is loud enough to drown it out.
Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.
Tonight though, it's clear. It mocks him as much, if not more, than the two small suits folded on the desk next to it promising an uncomfortable day tomorrow. He briefly thinks that there should be three suits there, but forces the thought away as his breath hitches again. Usually when he's awake this late, because his narcolepsy had him sleeping most of the previous day, there's two loud snores blocking anything else out. The snores used to drive him crazy, but now he'd give anything to hear them instead of the soft, sad snores of his younger brother.
He cast a glance at the seven year old, whom he knows is just barely holding on to sleep. There's dried tear tracks on his cheeks that don't fit him, and he's completely latched himself around the ten year old. He's sorry for the kid, who clearly has never experienced a death before. He wishes he could take the pain away, or at least be better at soothing it. He barely registers that he finally has started crying until he feels the first warm trickle down his cheek.
Then he's wrenching himself away from his brothers grasp, hugging his knees to his chest at the edge of the bed and unsuccessfully trying to stifle the raw, heartfelt sobs he's been holding back all day.
The boy stiffens as he feels rubbery arms wrap themselves around him. Then Luffy's voice is right by his ear, black fluffy hair tickling his hands. "It's okay Ace, let it out." He murmurs in a voice that sounds older than he is, so unlike his usual cheerful voice.
His last dam breaks and he's sobbing hard in his brothers embrace, hating that he's doing so. He's supposed to be the strong one and he's failing.
It's all that blonde idiots fault. Because he's dead.
And Ace misses him.

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