Chapter 7 {Midnight Spider-man}

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Chapter 7
Midnight Spider-man


Step 15: Isolation

"He did what?" Jazmin snorted biting back her laughter and I scowled, glaring at her 3 weeks later through ray bans
"Shut up if you're not going to be supportive get out my house!" I snapped still on the edge of breaking weeks later, she frowned at me
"When are you coming back to school your eyes healed"
"Never!" I scowled pouting like a child
"You know the point of that trip was to make you feel better, but also to realise you don't need Bradley to have a good time" she snapped losing patience with me finally
"Not just to fall back into old habits when you came back that wasn't the point at all Cassia you're officially taking this too far, he hurt you I get it but for god sakes stop being such a toddler" when I said on the verge of breaking I lied because right then I snapped like a twig in a hurricane everything spilled out in screams and tears
"You're my best friend you're meant to understand don't you yell at me you're meant to support me and be there when ever I need you because that's what best friends do, in these past two months I lost the love of my life, vital vision in one eye and Melanie lost the child which should be mine, and I know I shouldn't love him, but I do and I can't help that and you're meant to support me through this not yell at me because I won't get over myself!" I shouted crying, Jazmin's face didn't soften as it should
"I'm being a bad best friend what about you, you're not even consider how I feel because you're way to consumed in your own thoughts to give a shit about me!" she screamed
"get out!" I said and her face dropped
"Get out I'm not coming back to school get out!" I screamed and she backed out the door and stormed out of my house as I declared myself friendless and sunk into my official isolation period with nothing but me and my lap top and Oreos, I don't need her! I don't need anyone I don't need anyone but Bradley and that's the one thing I can't have so I don't want anything.

Step 16: Seek real revenge (Paper towns; Margo style)

When I say paper towns I meant it because at midnight I snuck out of the house and sprinted across the road scaling a tree and crash rolled epically into half-naked Blake's room
"Margo Roth Spegilman" he muttered, staring at me in black leggings a massive black hoodie and black beanie, I grinned at him
"I need to borrow your car" I said quietly
"No way paper towns use your own" he said deep voice lathered in sleep as he stared at me confused
"My mom took my keys because I refused to go school, I need you to drive because I need help" I said simply
"okay slow down, no one has seen or heard from you in over a month and you want me to drive you around town in the middle of the night" I nodded, yes
"I have just a few things to do tonight" and he laughed
"You can't be serious right now"
"Oh I am" he pulled on a hoodie a pair of pants and a black beanie shoving on a pair of shoes, he grabbed his car keys
"Come on, paper towns let's go" he gestured to the window and I jumped out of it landed smoothly he landed behind me and we jumped together into the car
"Okay, Cass where now?" I smirked
"Guess" he thought as he drove and a few minutes later he pulled up at the 24/7 supermarket and I grinned
"How did you know" I said sarcastically hoping out of the car I rushed inside, I grabbed a basket as Blake tagged along beside me
"Read this list to me" I said passing him a scrunched up piece of paper
"Vaseline" I nodded taking a tub of the shelf
"Hair removal cream" I grabbed that as well
"Peanut butter" I grabbed the chunky kind
"Condoms, clear nail polish, black spray paint and Tuna pasta salad" he says confused I grinned taking the items up to the counter the acne cover teen stared at us
"This isn't as weird as it looks" Blake said quickly
"Oh yes it is!" I declared paying for the stuff; the boy smirked as I jogged back to the car.
"How do you know what room it is?" Blake hissed as we ran across Melanie's garden
"We used to be friends back in the day, now shut up" I carried the bag across the lawn approaching the small but expensive one storey villa I slowly pushed up the window and slid gracefully into Melanie's room to see the lovely perfect cheer leader sleeping like a pig. I placed the bag gently on the end of her bed
"Rub this on the door handles either side of the door the rub it on the window so it can't open after we shut it" I whisper right next to Blake's ear handing him the big tub of Vaseline, he sets to work and so do I dump half of the tuna salad in her bed then rub peanut butter gently through her hair, and lather her hole face in shaving cream
"Done" Blake whispers by my ear and I jump sharply
"Blow this up quietly" I whisper handing him condoms as I paint the top of Melanie's eyelids with nail polish as she continues to sleep sound lather her hole face in shaving cream
"Done" Blake whispers by my ear and I jump sharply
"Blow this up quietly" I whisper handing him condoms as I paint the top of Melanie's eyelids with nail polish as she continues to sleep soundly, I take a picture and gesture to Blake who had covered the floor in 12 blown up, extra large condoms I put a small camera tapped above her closet that connected to recorded feed on my laptop and ushered Blake out of the room not before writing "don't be silly wrap your cheated man whores willy" on the wall and sliding the Vaselined window shut lathering the other side in the slimy mess as well and we sprinted round to the car hoping inside and speeding away
"What if the test for finger prints and we get done by the cops" Blake says worriedly as we pulls right out of the street I snort ignorantly
"Hey Mr. Bad boy stop being such a pussy" I say and he laughs a little
"Take a right here and stop at number eight" he nods taking the right
"Isn't this Bradleys house?" he says confused
"Well this revenge is paper towns inspired" I smirked,
"That house is three storey" he says slowly and ii smirk
"You act like I've never snuck into my sleeping ex boyfriends house before to see him" I smirk again jumping over the gate that howls like a banshee and scaling the side of Bradleys house
"Who are you fucking Spiderman" Blake hisses from down below I press a finger to my lips
"Hurry up Robin, Batman needs your muscles" he starts to climb slowly as I climb up onto the roof of the second floor opening a window silently I slip in chucking the Vaseline at Blake he knows what to do while I lather Bradleys entire head in hair removal cream and eyebrows and paint his eyelids with nail polish and pour tuna pasta salad gently inside his jocks as Blake begins to blow yet more condoms
"Get ready to throw this at him then run" I whisper making Blake take fistfuls of chunky peanut butter
"Baby" I whisper seductively to Bradley he starts to stir
"Cassia" he whispers sleepily through half closed eyes
"What's up with my eyes!" he says loudly
"Shh, baby I think you messed yourself" he sat up quickly and the tuna pasta salad sickeningly squished
"What the fuck" he said wiping his eyebrow and the whole thing shed away
"Cassia what the hell are you do-" he started
"Worship Easter coz ya'll need Jesus!" I screamed and Blake hurled the peanut butter straight at Bradley assuming it was his queue and he sprinted to the open window
"Who the fuck do you think you-"Bradley leap out of bed and froze as he step on a condom and it exploded with an ear splitting pop, Blake Vaselined the window as I scaled the building fast as lightening and sprinted to the car
"And I repeat myself who are you fucking Spiderman!" Blake puffed as he jumped in his car and sped away as lights started to turn on inside the house, laughed at him
"Why do you never say baby like that to me" he joked poking me in the side sending sparks through my body, as I blushed thanking Jesus the car was dark
"Aww I'm sorry baby" I teased and I saw him smile it making my stomach summersault as he stopped at some lights and turned to me
"Those glasses make your eyes look even better" he says grinning as I nervously push the ray bans back up the bridge of my nose blushing like a tomato, what is happening . He pulled into his drive way and I went to hop out and he seized my hand, staring me intensely in the eyes his face just inches from mine
"I better not be having detectives at my door tomorrow asking where you are" the ghost of a smile on his lips
"Don't worry I'm not that Paper towns" I grin at him and he smiles
"Good because I would definitely come find you" he says leaning closer to me my heart pumps against my chest violently as his eyes train on my lips
"Aw you've read the book" I say smiling, his lips dance on my neck sending shivers down my spine I freeze
"Tell anyone and you are dead" he says his lips on the liar corner of mine
"Liar" I whisper sealing the 3 am kiss across the console of his scruffy black skyline, I smile into it my tummy filled with flaming butterflies and my rib cage most likely bruised from my thumping heart as Blake pulls me closer my fingers lacing through his hair I feel his grin against my lips as he pulls away, my lips tingling from his touch, I blush red as a tomato illuminated by street lights he grins and I hop out of car and so does he
"Goodnight paper towns" he grins, and I give a meek cute wave
"Goodnight Blake waters" his face falls
"You figured it out" he grins and I nod, walking across the road and inside, Blake Waters the boy so constantly tucked away at the back of my mind, the first boy I liked, the first boy to turn me down and make me realise you don't get everything you want, the first boy I ever kicked in the balls.

|8 Years Ago|

"He'll say no" ten year old me blushes as spunky ten year old Jazmin pushes me towards still and always was gorgeous ten year old Blake
"Hey Blake" I say stutter playing with my pig tails
"Are you a pig" he grunts staring me down disgusted
"N-no" I say eyes glazing over suddenly
"Only pigs wear pig tails" he says knowingly tugging on my pig tail my eyes start to water
"M-my m-mom thinks their cute" I say meekly feeling small as Blake stares at me
"Pigs are food not cute" he says
"She wants to know if you will go to the school disco with her" Young Jazmin says, obviously missing the whole conversation
"I don't go anywhere with pigs" he says
"So no?" I ask confused
"Yes" he snaps I start to cry
"Why are you so mean!" I howl and people begin to stare
"Stop it you're being weird" Blake says quickly looking worriedly around
"I hate you!" I kick my foot up landing him squarely in the balls his face twists as he crumples to the ground in a fetal position clutching his goods as his friends surround him
"Your a mental pig" he says and I run off crying.

* * * *


A/N: Never Edited!!!

~ Nothing_To_You


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