Chapter 6 - 2nd Year

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Hermione grabbed Harry's hand nervously. Harry looked surprised but didn't say anything. James had noticed this and was determined to tease Harry about it. They watched the rest of the second year and felt the tug of being pulled back up from the memory. Hermione still had Harry's hand clasped in hers. James and Sirius raised their eyebrows at the two. It was obvious that the two cared for each other, but James wasn't sure how. "Harry, how do you three manage to get into so much trouble?" James asked. Harry shrugged. "It kinda just finds us." He said sitting down on the couch with Hermione. "Well, you've gotten into more trouble than Sirius and I got into. Even with Remus telling us off." James said with a laugh. They were shaken from their conversation by noises from the entrance hallway. Sirius got up quickly going to see who it was.

They heard an argument break out quickly between Sirius and whoever was in the house. "Get out of my house! There isn't a meeting today." Sirius' voice could be heard. Harry and Hermione were quick to get up and see what was happening closely followed by James. "Black get out of my way. Dumbledore sent me to talk with Potter's spawn. Now move." A drawling voice could be heard. "What's Snape doing here to talk about with you Harry?" Hermione asked quickly beating James to it. "No idea," Harry said before walking out of the living room to Sirius and Snape standing in the hallway, arguing. "Sirius!" Harry called jumping down the stairs. "It's okay. Dumbledore's behind it." Harry said pulling Sirius away from Snape. James and Hermione joined him and Sirius. Snape looked at them. "I-I..." He didn't realize that James was alive. "Where's Lily, Potter?" He asked with a sneer. James rolled his eyes. "It's been fourteen years Snivellus," James said sneering back. "She's not here anyway. Only me." James said leaning against the bannister on the stairs. Snape glowered at James before turning back to Harry. "Potter. I have a message from Dumbledore for you." Snape said he looked at James, Sirius and Hermione. "For your ears only." He said. James glared at Snape pushing forward to stand next to Harry. "Anything you can say to Harry, you can say to me as well," James said standing with his arms crossed next to Harry. Snape muttered something under his breath. "Is there a place we can talk Black?" Snape demanded more than asked. "Kitchen," Sirius said before turning around and leaving them. He headed back to the living room with Hermione behind him leaving James and Harry with Snape.

Snape glared at Sirius' retreating back before glaring at the two Potter's. Snape turned sharply and walked to the kitchen, his black cloak billowing out behind him. James and Harry shared a glance before following him. The pair followed Snape into the kitchen, sitting down at the table. Snape glared at the two, James and Harry glaring back. "Professor Dumbledore has requested that Mr Potter here take oclumency lessons, for the rest of the year," Snape said dully not letting on any emotion. "And who exactly, may I ask will be teaching my son?" James demanded of Snape. "I will. Albus thinks it best, as I am the most gifted with it within the Hogwarts staff." James' face went from annoyance, to shock, and lastly anger. "I will not have some greasy-haired git teaching my son extremely advanced magic!" James yelled at Snape which caused footsteps to be heard running and seconds later Sirius burst through the door, an exasperated Hermione behind him. She marched over to Harry, glaring at Sirius. "What's wrong Prongs? I heard yelling." Sirius asks quickly. James glared at Snape the two men, had their wands drawn out, pointed at the other. "Albus wants this slimy git to teach Harry oclumency," James said, his eyes and wand trained on Snape. Snape glowered at both James and Sirius before all hell broke loose.

Harry saw this coming and pulled Hermione with him under the table in the kitchen. "Harry! We have to stop them!" Hermione said, clutching to Harry. As the table was narrow it was hard for them both to be underneath it. Harry nodded. "I know Hermione," Harry replied looking for a way to get out. At that moment the kitchen door opened. "Expelliarmus!" Was heard and the sounds of duelling stopped. Harry and Hermione crawled out from under the table looking at who had stopped the fight. "Enough." Came the voice of Remus Lupin, who stood in the doorway of the kitchen. "Harry, Hermione." He said and the two ran out of the kitchen. He was holding four wands. He passed Harry James' and Sirius' wands on his way out. "Severus. I suggest that you leave." Remus said handing Snape's wand back to him. Snape grabbed it and walked past Remus and the two teenagers standing in the hallway. Hermione who looked scared to death, while Harry just looked completely annoyed and angry.

Return of the Stag :: Book One #wattys2016Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang