You are us and other, you must share

Not him

Missy all but growled back growing her own claws as she lashed out, this was her mind she had home court advantage even if she was unable to match the invader for pure psychic power she wasn't going down without a fight.

Why fight, we are one, you can be us, we can be him

You can never be him only a pale imitation

Missy countered unable to reassemble her battered shields she opted for the last resort available to her, attack.


As she watched Missy vanish beneath the surface Osgood couldn't help but scream out her protest.

"No you can' don't understand..." Osgood spluttered as beneath her the mud pool began to churn. "You have to get her out of there or we're all as good as dead!"

"What did you do?" Sil's voice demanded as he hid behind his large guards watching in growing horror as the mud began to roll and surge, like sudden tidal waves had caught it it surged and rushed towards them and dashed itself on the edge of the pool.

Crawling up as high as her bounds would allow Osgood couldn't help the squeak of panic that escaped her lips as the mud seemed to surge up towards her before crashing back down and swished out in turbulent ripples in all directions, surges that knocked into the panicking slaves and sucked their screaming forms back under before surging back up again towards Sil and his guards.

"It's your monster!" Osgood spat back brown eyes raking the turbulent pool for any glimpse of The Mistress, yet it seemed the time lady had sunk like a stone and Osgood could only imagine that she was already completely encased. Someone had to get her out of there, to get them all out of there.

"No it's never behaved like that before...You did something!" Sil accused her, jabbing one shaking claw in her direction. "You make it stop or I'll drop you in too!" He added his fingers closing around a lever on the arm if his hover chair warningly.

"No you did something!" Osgood spat back her brown eyes filling with tears as she stared down the Mentor. "You fed it the only other Time Lord in the universe!"

"You...You...Lied..." Sil was so angry he seemed to literally shake, either from rage or from fear or from both as the ground beneath their feet back to rumble ominously.

"You did this. You've doomed us all." He added as the valves that had pumped the pure mud into the room suddenly began to buckle and more mud began to spray out.

Screaming as the bubbling mud made contact with his skin Sil lost not a second more, he activated his hover chair, knocking into several of his guards in his blind panic to escape not even caring enough to pause as they were knocked into the surging mud pool. Horrified Osgood could watch as the being that had caused all of this managed by some sick sort of luck to make it around the room to the only exit.

"No you can't..." Osgood began watching and knowing that it was too late as the wounded mentor turned back to smile through his burnt flesh his free hand hovering over the lever on his chair that controlled her prison. Then with sadistic glee he pushed it down and Osgood felt the ground drop away.


Seb's wonderful feeling of bliss had been shattered by a scream, Osgood's scream.

Then all around him the soothing mud began to churn and Seb felt his still queasy stomach flip in a most disconcerting way. Fighting against the tide and the heavy chains that weighed him down the A.I tried his best to battle to the side only to slip and be dragged under. Fighting against drowning in the heavy mud Seb fumbled awkwardly in his tunic, his bound wrists knocking against the weapon he had kept hidden...if he could just get it free...

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