Just One Wish

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I'm Furihata Kouki and I'm a freshman at Seirin High. I was born and raised in Hinohara but my parents decided that it was best for me to move out into the city part of Tokyo. I did as they said but surprisingly, my best friend said that he'll tag along with me. I met him when I was still in middle school and I grew to be very attached to him as time passed. But whenever I think about our first meeting, it only makes me question my brain's ability to function correctly.

I've always been the type is blend into the background since my early childhood and I don't really mind. I was always labeled as the quiet one and in my three years of middle school, I've only been able to make one friend. I don't really like to socialize so that may have been the reason but I'm sure that wasn't the main reason. I had no friends in my class, which made me an easy victim for the bullies. I was bullied everyday starting from my second year and since no one wanted to get involved, the teachers never got notified. I was too scared myself to tell on them so I stayed silence the whole time. To be honest I'm kind of glad they bullied me. It's not like I'm a masochist or anything, but because if they didn't bully me, I wouldn't of met my best friend.

It was beginning of December of my second year and I was playing by myself in front of the abandoned Shinto shrine near my house. An evil rumor about this shrine began decades ago and as time goes by, less and less people came to visit this shrine each year until no one even cares about this place anymore. I tried asking my parents about the rumor but they just shrugged me off saying that I didn't need to know such a thing and they forgot what it was anyways. No one in the area even remembers who the shrine was for. I took advantage of this place and would chill out at the shrine whenever I felt like it. It was a place where no one would bother me. However, that day, instead of playing inside the shrine, I was outside near the entrance. I was sitting against the already half destroyed torii and played with the snow in my hands as more were falling onto me from the sky.

The group of bullies just happened to pass by the shrine at that time and saw me. They decided that it was good idea to make fun of me since no one's around. There were three of them and they all looked pretty tough. I wasn't playing much attention to my surroundings so it was too late when I finally took notice of the bullies.

"Come on guys! Look at this freaking loser! Poor puppy, if your parents kick you out of the house? Well that understandable since after all, you're just a useless dog that can't even bark!"

After the insult, the other burst out into laughter and I really wasn't in the mood to deal with all this nonsense. Judging that the way they acted, the guy to first insult me is the leader of the gang. I sighed and slowly stood up.

"Arguing with idiots would only waste my time so please excuse me. I have more important things to attend to than listening to garbages make disgusting noises with their filthy mouth." I was planning to leave right afterward but I guess there's no way they would let me go after saying all that. I could literally see veins popping out on the leader's forehead and his whole face turned red from frustration. I might of won the verbal round but obviously, I'm no match when it comes down to strength. With one hard punch from the leader, I landed with my face buried in the snow. I struggled as I sat back up and I felt my nose bleed. I reached up to check if I was really having a nose bleed and sure enough, I was. My checks felt sore and my vision started to blur out. Without a reason, I stood up and from the opposite side, I received another punch and this time, he used twice as much power he used the first time. I fell sideway onto the snow and passed out.

I don't know how much have passed but when I woke up, I was inside the shrine with a blanket over me instead of freezing to death out in the snow. I got a bruise on both side of my cheeks and I just laid there, not feeling like doing anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2015 ⏰

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