JJ part 2

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You were calling Jack when you hear the ringing coming from beside you. "Ugh" you sighed, got up and looked for him. But first you wanted ice cream first cause it was freaking hot out. You go a coffee ice cream cone ( my fav btw). You where walking around when you saw a cute couple making out near the bathrooms. "Wait a minute". Why are they kissing near a bathroom df. You wanted to see there faces so you got closer. You couldn't believe what you saw. Your mouth dropped open and you dropped your ice cream 😫😫. It was Jack and some thot ass. You yelled "JACK WTH GOTTEN INTO YOU!?!? I CANT BELIEVE YOU CHEATED ON ME" you where beyond pissed. He tried calling for you but it was not use you whet already turned around and ran back to your stuff. Called you best friend to pick you up. And didn't talk to Jack at all that day.

Cliff hanger part 3 will be tomorrow.

Don't forget you follow me on all social medias if you haven't already.

I will be taking requests just leave your name, the boy you would like, and what type to of image. For example love, marriage, cheat, dirty. Any of them I'll do some.

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