2. The Questions.

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We arrange ourselves on the floor, backs against my bed, watching something on his television. We've stuffed ourselves with pizza to the point where neither of us want to get up. "Can we like ask each other stupid questions? I feel I need to get to know my roomie!" I'm a little thrown off by Gabe's question, but can appreciate the enthusiasm. "Sure, you go first."
He seems to think for a moment. "First kiss?" It was actually a girl. So, I tell him the story. "I was twelve. My cousin and her friend were at my house and the friend thought I was cute." He smiles at me. "So, she kissed me. I kissed her back but it was just kind of... eh." I'm being honest. Maybe he'll catch on. "You?"
He laughs at my story. "Uh, I was ten. My sister had friends over to swim. I just started to realize girls are supposed to be hot." Wait, what? "So I grabbed one and kissed her. She kissed me back. We kissed all the time actually." He laughs and shakes his head. "Next question. First time having sex?"
Now this was with a man. I don't think he'll bat an eye. But, I still approach this with caution. "Uhm, it was when I was a sophomore. It was uh, with a guy actually..." I look to him and see he appears more interested than I'd imagine for a seemingly straight kid. "Okay, tell me about it!" This is a bit awkward.
"Well, I was away at a writer's summer camp and one of the other guys there flirted with me. I always knew I was more interested in boys, but in my small town it's not accepted. He basically seduced me, fucked me, and went on with his business." I cringe at the last part. I thought Theo was cool.
"Wow, that's shitty. You should of have a good first experience." I don't bother telling him it was good or that I let Theo come in my ass. I figure he's not ready for those details yet. "What about your first time?" He blushes a bit.
"I was 14. A girl in town visiting family for the summer. She was 16 then. It was the usual. I had to do it from behind though, I always do. Can't seem to stay hard any other way." Well, that's odd. I just nod though, not wanting him to know I think it's weird.
We talk about our first blow jobs, both embarrassed to find out we didn't last long. I tell about the first time I sucked a dick and Gabe doesn't even look shocked. I'm starting to wonder about him a bit. But I've learned, never ask. You'll only offend someone. The next question throws me off balance and knocks the wind out of me.
"Ethan, how did you know you were gay?" I think deeply. I want to give him an honest answer and not joke around. "Well, when that girl kissed me and I hated it was a good sign." Gabe laughs at me. "But really, I knew before that. My first crush was a boy named Charlie. I never looked at girls the way my friends did." He nods to my words, looks away and is quiet a while. "I can understand that." I ignore it, not knowing what to say.
It seems through mutual agreement, we decide to focus on the television. I feel him shift slightly and brush against me. I'm starting to wonder if he's a little bicurious. We go on through the night, ignoring his last question and enjoying time together.
Questions are asked of me every day, all differing in their specifics, but all similar in subject. My homosexuality seems to be a constant thought in Gabe's mind. The questions come at random, at different occasions, over the following week. "When did you first kiss a boy?" "Have you ever fucked a girl?" "Does it feel weird to suck a dick?" This is what I've been dealing with.
But, it hasn't annoyed me. I know he's simply curious and knows I'll answer questions. I always answer his questions.
Tonight, Gabe is out with friends he's made in class. I'm a little jealous, but I'm content being home alone. It's late, almost 2 am, when I hear someone fumbling with our door. Finally it opens and in breezes Gabe, clearly drunk as shit.
"Eeeeeeeeethan. Come heeeeeeere please." Oh boy. I should, but I don't deny him. I go to him and he grabs my face. "I have a question, Ethan. Okay?" I nod. "Why am I straight but want to kiss you?" I just stare at him. I see him leaning in but I do nothing to stop him.
Gabe slowly presses his lips to mine and it's like sparks shoot off. I grab his neck and pull him into me while his tongue finds its way into my mouth. Gabe moans, spurring me on to deepen the kiss. He backs up, falling to his bed with me on top of him. I should stop him but I can't.
Gabe kisses me like he means it for what feels like forever, until he pulls away, breathing heavy. "Whoa," is all he says. I remove myself from him and stumble to my bed. I can't look at him. I'm scared to see the disgust I'm sure is there.

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