Chapter 3: Monica

Start from the beginning

"You're seriously going in that?" Alyssa asks me and I glare at her. She seriously just ruffles my feathers.

"Yeah. Besides it's not like anyone important is going to see me," I shrug and they give up, knowing that I won't change.


After crossing the dreaded street we made it to the supermarket. We had gathered almost everything we needed for our little get together tonight and are in line to check out. I'm positive we're missing something though. Alyssa starts going over our mental list of things we needed since Alex felt that we were missing something too. I hang onto each item carefully as does Alex as Alyssa speaks them all aloud, but I can't figure out just what it is that we're missing.

"Chips!" Alex yells and I mentally face palm myself. Of course we forgot the chips. Jesus, that's the thing we eat the most of.

"Hurry and grab them Monica," Alyssa tells me. I roll my eyes at her and place a hand on my hip, only as I groan out, "why do I have to?"

"Because I'm paying," Alex argues back, not really in the mood. I admit that that's a legitimate reason. Alyssa doesn't have one though. Ugh. I'm not even in the mood to attempt to argue with her stupidity. All she'll do is give me invalid reasoning as to of why she's right when we all know that I would be.

I groan yet again and leave the checkout stand and hurry over to the chip isle, already knowing what to grab. I lean down and grab the Flaming Hot Funyuns. I stand up and head over to where the Ruffles are and reach down to grab a bag. When I stand up and head to start walking to the register, I drop one of the bags after tripping over nothing. I run my free hand through my hair, angry at myself and embarrassed.

"Uh hey. You dropped your bag of Flaming Hot Funyuns," a too familiar voice says and I turn around to see the Zayn Malik holding my bag of chips. If you ask me, I'm in heaven. I don't need anything else.

"Uh thanks," I nervously smile at him, grabbing my chips. How am I supposed to react? You don't just run into band members at the store! That's just not plausible. You don't just see you favorite band member two days in a row. It doesn't make sense!

I stare at his face, hoping for some recognition to cross his features. I mean, this is the guy that made faces at me an entire concert and got upset when I left early. This is the guy who took amazing photos with me and got on so well with. He has to recognize me and I think he does for a moment cos his face crosses. He just says you're welcome though, smiling and walking away. I stand there in shock, not knowing what to do. He just blew me off, not even recognizing me. I turn around, not being able to bear being here any longer and I don't think I ever will be.

"Wait Monica!" Zayn shouts and I snap around, not comprehending my name leaving those perfect lips of his. I see him walking towards me, an almost desperate look on his face. I smile back at him, not sure what to do.

"Yeah Zayn?" I ask, not sure how we're acting like such old friends. I mean, I barely know the guy! I just stalked him on twitter for a few years. I should be fainting right now or crying and screaming. Who knows, maybe I'll do both?

"I uh. May I have your number?" His accent rings through my ears. His voice is still hard to understand, but I understood enough. If Zayn Malik asks for your number, you give him your number. It's a no-brainer.

"Uh, yeah. Why?" I ask as he hands me his phone, the device already opened up for a new contact. I quickly type in my digits and enter my name. I save myself and hand him back his cellular.

"Well I just thought that since me and my band mates are going to be here for a little bit before we head to LA, we could maybe chill sometime," he shrugs. All I can say right now is that my post-concert depression from earlier is gone.

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