chapter twenty-six

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Samantha's POV

Sam decided for our date we would go bowling.  I was absolutely terrible at bowling.

"Samantha, over here." I grabbed the shoes the lady handed me and made my way to Sam. He punched our names into the machine and started the game.

"Ladies first." He gestured to the bowling lane.

"Thank you so much, sir." I dipped my head. I picked up the marble ball. "You better be ready for this amazing strike." I joked.

The ball rolled and knocked only a couple of pins over.

Sam laughed. "Please, tell me your trick, young Samantha."

"Well, it all starts off with a good breakfast." I laughed, while picking up my bowling ball.

"Hey, you knocked down a couple of pins, good job." Sam padded me on the back.


After the game, Sam decided to get some lunch at the bowling alley and then play another game.

As we sat down to eat, Sam asked, "Did Chandler tell you he was coming here today?"

"What do you mean?" I looked up at Sam.

"Well, he asked me where we were going today, and I told him, but I actually didn't think he would come." Sam quavered.

"Don't worry, Hana has a movie to play in and he will be with her." I tried to assure him.

"Umm, Samantha." Sam looked directly past me.

I turned around and saw Chandler walking this way with Hana beside him.

"Hey, you two, having fun?" Chandler asked.

"Yeah, we were just about to play another game." Sam answered.

"Good, we shall join you then."  Chandler smiled.

"Chandler, we shouldn't, they are on a date." Hana whispered to Chandler.

"Nah, its fine, right Sam?" Chandler recalled.

Sam reassured him," Yeah, that's fine."

"Okay, I will go get the game started." Chandler made his way to the machine, Hana following behind.

"I'm sorry, I just didn't want to make things even worse." Sam apologized.

"Chandler didn't give you much of a choice to say no anyway." Sam and I made our way to where Chandler and Hana sat.

"Ready?" Chandler stood up.

I smiled and shook my head.

"Okay, the order goes, myself, Samantha, Hana, and then Sam."

"Got it? Good." Chandler added.

Chandler was very good at bowling, first bowl, and strike.

"Your up Samantha, good luck." He smiled as he sat back down.

There is no way I can get a strike on my first try.

Nope, even worse, gutter.

"Here Samantha, let me help."

Before Sam could even take one step, Chandler stood up "No, I will help her."

I was glad, in a way.

"Here, you are way off balance, you are throwing the ball way off course." His hand grabbed my waist.

"There, now when you draw your arm back... straighten, there, now release." The ball felt like it was in slow-mo, and then it finally hit the pins. It knocked down every pin, except one.

"Now, I am going to let you try this on your own, you got this." Chandler removed his hand from my waist. I could still feel where his hand had been.

I shook my head and followed the steps Chandler had shown. My eyes followed the ball as it fell from my hand and down the lane and went right for the one pin. SPARE!

I turned around and faced the rest of them. "I JUST GOT A SPARE!"

" I told you, you could do it." Chandler whispered as he walked past me.

Things Happen. ~Chandler Riggs~Where stories live. Discover now