The Truth Comes Out

Start from the beginning

"It's Brianna isn't it?" I asked him wiggling my eyebrows and he nodded in response before looking down to hide the blush.

Just then an angel walked up to me. Well not an actual angel but in my mind, she was. Jen looked stunning as always in her new dress and she wore black high heels with it, so she was almost the same height as me. I didn't mind, but I thought her shortness was adorable.

Her hair had been straightened and the only jewellery she wore was a thin gold necklace. She only wore a tiny bit of makeup and her natural beauty shone through. She grabbed her jacket and her purse and bounced up to us.

"Ready to go?" Her heavenly voice asked. Me and Niall just nodded.

"After you ma'am." I said, while holding the door for her.

"Why thank you kind sir." She said, giggling. Her giggle was so cute. She got in the car and I ran to the other side to get to the drivers seat and I saw Niall jump in the back.

Once I was in the car, I looked to my left to see the beautiful angel sitting there, staring at me.

"All buckled?" I asked Jen but Niall responded instead.

"Yup, thanks for caring about me so much Hazza." Niall said with a smile and a wink. Jen giggled at him and I couldn't help but feel I little ping of jealousy. I keep reminding myself that I'm not dating Jen and she doesn't even think of me that way as I started the car.

We drove off to the Olive Garden which was only a little ways away. When we arrived, I found a parking spot and pulled into it. I turned off the car and jumped out, jogging to Jens door and opening it up, helping her out.

"Thanks Harry," she said simply. I noticed Niall was still sitting in the car.

"Ahem." He said motioning towards the door. I rolled my eyes but helped him out of the car anyway. "Thanks Haz." He said and I slapped him playfully.

"Let's just go inside." I said to my two friends. I led the way into the restaurant and a lady at a tiny desk looked at me.

"How can I help you?" She asked.

"We have reservations." I replied and she looked me up and down, obviously checking me out.

"Name?" She said, not taking her eyes off of me.

"Styles, Harry Styles, for four." I replied. She quickly looked down at her list then looked back up at me.

"Ah yes, Mr.Styles, right this way." She led the three of us to a private table at the back of the restaurant. She motioned for us to sit down, then handed out the menus. "I will be your sever tonight and my name is Lucy." She said while leaning over and stroking my hand.

The motion made me feel very uncomfortable and I looked at Jen. She was staring at Lucy and there was a hint of jealousy in her eyes. Wait hold up. Jealousy? No I must be seeing things, she is not jealous of Lucy because she doesn't even like me.

I looked back at Lucy and blurted out, "if you see a tall, blonde come into the restaurant, send her back her please and thank you." I heard a small huff escape Lucy's mouth. Then she walked away.

As we awaited Brianna's arrival, we chatted but i could tell something was still bothering Jen. I was determined to ask her about it, but not here, not now.

When Brianna arrived, Lucy followed close behind her and ordered our drinks after Brianna took a seat next to Niall. Jen seemed so happy to see her and I was glad she had a girlfriend to bond with and that she wasn't completely uncomfortable with the whole her living with me thing.

My Saviour, Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now