Welc0me t0 a New Reality

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...You wake up on a bed.

"Look! They're awake!" a masculine voice calls from outside the room you're in. You hear footsteps heading your way. Then one by one three boys walked into the room. The first boy that entered wore a yellowish-tan jacket and a white mask with black feminine features; the second boy wore a gray hoody, with striped sleeves, blue hood and upon his face orange goggles and a mouthguard-bandana; the third boy wore an orange hoody and a black ski mask with red eyes and the mouth stitched shut into a red frown...
"Who are you?" you ask coldly. "If you're going to kill me, just do it. I have nothing left to lose anyway." The grief hit a cord of rage within you.
"I'm Masky..." the first boy spoke gently, soothingly, his voice sounding like silk. "and this is Toby-" he pointed to the second boy, "and Hoodie." he pointed to the third boy. "We saw what happened. I'm sorry about that. Jeff ca-"
You cut him off angrily. "You know him?" you shout, not frightened at all by these three odd masked boys in front of you. You see the one known as 'Toby' flinch slightly.
"Yes, but he's no friend of ours." Toby says, ticking every couple words. The other two nod in agreement. "and now that you're awake, Boss wants to see you." he adds.
        "I don't care about your stupid boss anymore than I care about any of you freaks!"
        Toby's eyes watered behind his goggles, looking so fragile and broken. Masky clenched his hands into fists. You almost felt bad for Toby as tears left his sad eyes, creating puddles in his goggles. You wanted to apologize to him, but were stolen from the opportunity.
        "Please come with us. Boss needs to see you,"Hoodie stuttered.
        "Fine," you agreed, they walk out of the room, you had no choice but to follow.

A Past Well Forgiven (Ticci Toby x [NONGENDERED] Reader)Where stories live. Discover now