Chapter 1

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I could feel their stares before I had even entered the room, through the door their harsh whispers floated through reminding me of the declaration. That little clause hidden somewhere in the many scriptures of law, which somehow had managed to turn my life upside down with just a day. Today was my day of rest, the one day in which I didn't have to be a Queen yet here I was.

I smoothed my white dress, ensuring I showed no sign of weakness or exhaustion. This gathering would be like no other. I nodded at the guards on either side of the door, waiting patiently as they announced my presence. The giant doors swung open and the full intensity of the stares were unveiled, five men and five women watched me carefully, standing up the moment I walked in as I sat at the head of the long table, making myself comfortable before I looked up. They sat down as I gave a subtle nod, clearing my throat as I prepared myself for what was next.

"Once again the council would like to apologise for disrupting you on your day of leisure, but this is an emergency" Rickon said

I smiled gently but said nothing, there was no time to waste. They had figured out some sort of solution and all I could do for now was to sit and listen.

Rickon, nodded at one of the council members the eldest member of the group. Silas, was a frail looking man with wispy grey hair, no one knew his age but from what I had garnered he had been in Krysta since my Great Grandfather had ruled, he had distanced himself from the royal family however after the horrors of Tristan and my father.

The day after my coronation however he had pledged himself to me, with the promise of advising me to the best of his ability. It was something he was rather good at, even if it went against what I wanted to do. Once I became Queen I was overwhelmed by power, I could almost understand how this kind of gift was also a curse. It made you dizzy with desire, desire to do all the things you wanted. Sometimes I would find myself up in the middle of the night caressing the throne with foreign memories that had come from my father. Even after so many years my wolf still remembered certain details of her time trapped within him.

It consumed him, the relentless search for power. He'd had a taste of my wolf, of what she could do and suddenly the vast kingdom he had ruled over suddenly had reduced itself into a missable mass. He had an ambition for more, he wanted to rule the skies, he no longer wanted to be respected and obeyed as a King. He wanted to be worshipped like a God.

The memories left me bitter and I knew this could never again happen. The throne could no longer belong to just one person, no one expect the Goddess and the Creator deserved to have the much power over such a large number of people. Thus the Council of Krysta was created, to rule alongside me, ensuring that tyranny would never happen again.

"It has come to our attention within the last few days that the Seven Alphas have finally found a legitimate reason to aid their cause. This you already know your highness."

I sighed deeply, slowly giving him a nod. I had hardly slept, tormented by what was to happen next. I had never felt more alone, suddenly everything I had worked so hard for, sacrificed so much to get could be taken from me without any warning.

"As your council it is our job to help you with the difficult situations you might find yourself in during your rule. We have spent the last two days debating between ourselves in order to present you with a final solution that will end their tirade"

"Have you made a decision?" I asked all though I could see in their faces that they had.

Silas offered me a small smile before he nodded. Something in his facial expression told me that their solution would not be to my liking. Yet what other choice did I have, clearly I had to take some course of action.

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