Chapter 10-"talent"

Start from the beginning

I type I'm sorry, hit send, and push past Jack

"Ya that helps." I hear Jack say behind me

"Dude who cares, we her phone number." Taylor says siked

I walk out of the plane and sit on one of the chairs.

Jack comes up to me and stand in front of me looking down at me and crossing his arms

"Do you not hate anyone here?"

I look up and cross my arms back.

"Well I don't hate you, or Johnson, or Sammy." I sass back

"You know what I mean." Jack says pissed

"Well to be honest I don't hate Shawn or Aaron."

"Wow, your making progress, maybe you can actually look at one of the other guys."

I do, I look at them and I like what I see, I say in my head I smile at the ground and laugh at myself.

"Wait you like them."

Shit, did I say that out loud.

"Yea." Jack says

"Jack stop talking to me."

"This just got way more interesting." Jack says walking away smirking.


Once everyone gets out we all gather together

"Ok we all need to go to baggage claim and get our bags." Taylor says

So we all start walking over to the baggage claim.


Once we get there and everyone has their bag. Shawn and I are still waiting at the claim.

"Are you still waiting for another bag?" Jack comes over to me and Shawn

"No, guitar." We say at the same time

Shawn looks at me

"You play guitar?" Shawn asks me

"Yeah." I respond weakly, "but I'm not very good."

"Oh shut up Jay, your amazing at guitar and your know it." Jack says

"And singing." Johnson says turning around

"And dancing." Sammy says turning around as well

My face immediately burns red with embarrassment.

"No I'm not." I hiss at all three of them through gritted teeth.

"Wow, you dance, sing, and you play guitar." Shawn says astonished

"She also plays piano." Sammy chimes in behind me.

"Sammy do you not know when to shut up?" I say clearly pissed.

I see my pink guitar case coming down the baggage and claim and I start walking towards it. I pick it up and carry it in my right hand, my suitcase and my left, and my backpack on my back.

"Ok they said they would have a limo for us over their." Taylor say and gestures to our right.

Omfg like literally kill me his accent is freaking bae!

No Jay, no matter how physically attractive they are, they're total ass holes on the inside.

Or are they? I mean I don't even know them to be honest, maybe they're be ok, I'll try talking to them tomorrow, maybe.....


Once we get the the place we should be, we see a man on a tuxedo holding a sign that says MAGCON.

"That's us." carter says to the man pointing to the sign.

"I was told there were 10 boys in MAGCON not 15 boys and one girl." The man says as politely as he can. "I'll just call out names, when I say your name stand behind me."

This is the stupidest thing I say in my head

"Nash and Hayes Grier......carter Reynolds.....Cameron Dallas.....Matthew Espinosa......Jack Johnson......Jack Gilinsky......Aaron carpenter.......Taylor caniff.......and Shawn mendes."

After he finishes Sammy and I are standing alone.

"Do you know them?" The man asks

"Nope never seen them before." Jack says

"Jack are your serious?" I say back shocked.

"Stop talking to me I don't know you." He says back like a kid.

"Whatever," I start, "Sammy and I will just take a cab to the hotel."

"Actually it's too hot for any of the cabs to run." The man corrects me

"Fine we will just walk to a car rental place." I say

"It's 15 miles away." The man says

"And how far is the hotel?" I ask

"4-5 miles he responds."

I turn to Jack,

"Ass hole." I say and walk away, but turn back around, "if we walk you take our bags." I say. Sammy and I drop our bags rights in front of them and walk away.

"Bye." I hear Jack yell from behind us.

"Let's get our exercise in wilkinson." I say, and walk out of the airport with Sammy


Hey guys I'm so sorry I know it's Thursday and it's late but I was editing last night and I fell asleep, and I literally just came back from a 3 hour soccer practice for high school, I'm so sorry

But thank you guys for not yelling at me and stuff 😄

See you Sunday (hopefully)

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