Chapter 12

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Everything was dark and my head was pounding like a drum. I was awake but I couldn't force my eyelids open. Everything that just happened comes back into my mind.

My parents died and it was all my fault. Or maybe it was just a dream?

I suddenly here talking.

"What about her parents?" I hear a voice of man say.

"They were DOA." I hear a woman's voice say. "It was just a huge mess."

"What is your lead cause of the accident?"  The man asks again.

"Obviously the wind and rain, but we found a large log on a road near the location of the scene." The female voice says. "We think that might have played part in it."

The man sighs. "Well her condition is stable for now." The man says. "We gave her a tetanus shot for all the glass in her body."

"We believe that the impact of the crash caused her to crash through the sunroof. There was a trail of blood from an area a couple of yards away from the crash and it ended where she was passed out." The woman talks all technical like she was teaching a class. "Because she didn't have her seat belt on she was lucky to survive."

"Ironic huh?" The doctor says in a sad voice. "But now shes going to wake up and the knowledge that her parents are dead will probably put her into shock which isn't good for her condition. Have Dr. Marvel ready in a couple of hours. She'll be awake within another hour."

"Okay, but Dr. Mitchel, take care of her." The female voice was no longer factual. She actually sounded sincere. I hear footsteps walk out of the room.

So it wasn't a dream. This really happened to me. And now i'm in some hospital laying here all alone. An orphan.

A couple of minutes later I have the strength to open my eyes. There's a man in scrubs and a white jacket across from me staring at me. I try to sit up but sharp pain courses throughout my whole body.

"Easy there." The man gets up. "Hello Sabrina. I'm Dr. Mitchel." He walks to the side of my bed and takes out a small flashlight that he proceeds to lift my eyelid and flash into my eye. The light blinds me for a second. Dr. Mitchel takes out a clipboard and scribbles something down. Then he takes out a remote and the bed under me moves into a position that has me in a sitting position.

"I need you to answer a few questions for me." He says.

"Okay." I croak.

"What is the last thing you remember." He asks me.

I'm not supposed to know that my parents are dead. I decide to play along. "Well, I was in a car with my mom and my dad," My heart wrenches at the thought of them. "and then something was blocking the road. My dad tried to block it and... I can't remember anything after that."

He scribbles more onto the clipboard. "Do you have any pain in your head?" He asks.

"Its just like... throbbing." I say.

"That's the pain meds working." Dr. Mitchel explains. "If it wasn't for the medicine you would have some unbearable pain right now."

"Where are my parents?" I ask as if I didn't know already.

"They're..." He starts. "They're being operated on right now."

I know he's lying. "Are they going to be okay?" I ask.

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