"You haven't even met the bloke yet,"He rolled his eyes as he crouched down to roll up the dark jeans at Louis' ankles."Act naturally,be yourself and be nice,"Zayn smiled,standing up straight and pressing a reassuring kiss against Louis' temple as the smaller big wrapped his arms around Zayn for a much needed hug."You're adorable and Liam will fall head over heels for your cute little bum,"Louis nodded his head and pulled away,a small ghostly smile on his lips as he took a deep breath.

Louis couldn't drive,but luckily the Restaurant that he was told to meet Liam at was only down the road from his and Zayns apartment so Louis walked in the dimly lit street alone to calm his nerves.It was a cold night,he lived in England and it was currently December 27th so of course it was cold,Louis could see his breath Everytime that he breathed through his nose or mouth and he was pretty sure that his nose and cheeks were tinted a shade red from the cold wind hitting his delicate skin.He was regretting wearing an extra layer of clothing but it was too late to turn back now,he'd be late and Liam looks like the kind of guy that doesn't like tardiness.

He cursed his mother for not giving him the simple rules of meeting a Dom,sure he and everyone else in high school took the classes but nearly everyone that he knew who has met their Dom had gotten advice from their Mother or father.His mother wasn't exactly a trustworthy role model to look up to anyway,and Louis relented her for the fact that her son was a Sub and not a 'Manly' Dom that she was hoping he'd be.She wanted a Dominate Son that she could look up to,not what Louis has became.

Louis squeaked as he landed on the damp pavement below him,his bum hitting the floor and soaking through his jeans.He had been over thinking and not looking where he was going therefore colliding into a stranger.How Embarrassing!"Oh lord,I'm so sorry.Here let me help you up,"Came a voice hovering over Louis.Opening his eyes Louis stared at the brown Timberland boots,he let his eyes trial up to see straight jeans,then to the mans belt that was around his waist,the white nearly see through top (that showed off a very toned torso) and then a Leather material jacket over the t-shirt.Louis' breathing hitched when he looked up at the recognisable face that he has been staring intensely at through a laptop screen.


"You going to take my hand or are you just gonna sit on the damp pavement and gape at me like a fish out of water,Dear?"His voice was like melting chocolate to Louis' ears,thick with a British Accent and a little edgy.Louis' eyes were trained on Liam's face,at how there was a small lopsided smile on his lips and a glint of playfulness in his warm brown eyes.It was obvious that he had yet to recognise who Louis was,maybe he didn't Know what he looked like or maybe because it was dark on the ground.

With a shaky hand,Louis griped onto Liam's larger hand and let himself be hoisted up onto his feet,his arse cold and numb from the coldness and the wetness of the ground."You okay?"Liam asked,his hand still firmly around Louis' petite and feminine hand that looked like it was getting swallowed by Liam's larger.Louis looked up,noticing the height difference between the two as he nodded his head,lost for words out of embarrassment and shock.It was only now that Liam was clicking together the familiar hair and eyes,the dress sense and the small but curvy body.

He'd just made his sub fall to the ground without even knowing who he was


"Oh,wow,crap,"Liam breathed out before letting out a chuckle noticing how fidgety that Louis looked and the tint of pink in his cheeks due to the cold and the embarrassment."You must be freezing,Here,take my jacket."Liam was quick on taking off his jacket.

"O-oh no,I can't,I-I'm fine..."Louis stuttered just as Liam draped it over the younger boys shoulders.It was heavy on his shoulders and a lot larger than any of his clothing.

"Nonsense,Tell me a good Dom that doesn't make sure that their cute little sub doesn't get the flu,"Liam smiled at how cute Louis looked drowning in his leather jacket."Plus you look adorable,"He added,and really,Liam was already smitten and whipped.

"I'm sorry,I-i didn't mean to y'know,bump into you.I was over thinking and gah!All of a sudden I end up on the floor with a sore arse,"The Doncaster lad pouts and then giggles when he sees Liam looking at him fondly.There was already a spark between the two,and really,all of Louis' worries had flown out the window because Liam wasn't a bad guy,and was actually a true Gentleman.

"Let's start over,yeah?"Liam suggests in which Louis nods his head eagerly.Liam doesn't seem effected by the cold and still stands at 6 Foot tall,and his hand outstretched."Liam Payne,Pleasure to meet with you,"Louis giggle softly and takes a hold of Liam's hand.

"Louis Tomlinson,Charmed."

My foot died,like I was writing this and my foot as now died and it's 4am but this will be posting at like 11am BC no wifi at the moment.


I really had no clue how I did this BC I didn't know how to follow it up but eh

So what are you opinions on his chapter and was the chapter good?

So what I'm going to do is Dom!Ashton and Sub!Niall,is that okay?

And then Dom!Harry and Sub!Zayn

And then I'll add on ships as we go along hehe


Peace ✌🏼️


Gentleman⚣Lilo BDSM✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon