
"Its official. Ms. Trinket has a boring class. I know enough English and I'm not ever going to be a writer. I'm walking down the hallway to social studies.

"Hey!" I look up to see that kid again. "Do you want a sugar cube?" I take it again and pop it in my mouth. I turn and start walking away, when He grabs my shoulder and turns me around.

"Why do you always take them?"

"What the sugar cubes?"


"Because I need them"

"But why! Why are sugar cubes so important to you!?"

"I can ask the same to you." I reply with a grin.

"Seriously, why?" He says back, the stupid little smirk wiped off his face.

"I don't trust you enough to tell you." I say walking down the hall and to my locker.


The day goes by pretty quickly. Most of the time I just keep my head down. No one really wants to talk to me anyways. I walk home in silence, really only because I have no one to talk to. I take a detour around the bakery so that no one will see me beeline for the woods. I go to the park to wait out that crazy mob of people that come out of the school. I relax and lay under a tree. I take out the book we have to read for english, and open it up. I have to be at The Hob at 6 so I have plenty of time to read. I look up and see its 3:30, so people are probably clearing out of the main part of the town. I think about going back up to the woods, but decide against it. Its too far of a trip to come back in two and a half hours. I open up To Kill A Mockingbird and start reading.

At around 5:30, I close the book. I'm only halfway done, and I need to finish by Wednesday. The rest of the class had two weeks, I have two days, because I started late. Ms. Trinket was worried that I wouldn't finish it in time. Something about how I'm so busy that I won't have time, but I assured her I have plenty of free time and I do. And besides, To Kill A Mockingbird is actually pretty good.

"Shoot all the bluejays you want, if you can hit 'em, but remember It's a sin to kill a mockingbird."

The book is wonderfully written. It's a classic.

I put the book in my bag, and walk through the marketplace to The Hob.

I walk through the doors and go back into the kitchen and let Sae know that I'm here. I go to the bathroom and change into the black shirt, pants, and apron.

"Katniss!" Sae says as I walk past. "You'll be with odd tables again. How was school?"

"It was alright. Nothing special."

"I think it will help you heal, Katniss."

"I hope so." I grab my note pad and start waiting tables. At around 6:45, I hear someone shouting in the direction of table fifteen. But it's not the shouting i'm worried about, it's what they're saying. Well, that and who 'they' are. It's that kid with the sugar cubes, and his friends. I look over and he's waving me over. I laugh and walk back into the kitchen. I hand the cook the orders and go back to table fifteen.

"You called?" I say as I approach their table. The sugar cube kid laughs, along with his three friends, but the boy from the bakery, Peeta? Was that his name? He just stares at me.

"Hey. Why do you always take his sugar cubes?" Says one of the girls with long blonde hair. "People think he's too weird, and never take 'em. Which is true, he is weird."

"Well, I don't get sweet things that often, so when I get the chance, I take them."

"Why? Are your parents really strict? Are they health nuts or something?"

I scoff. "Why would I tell you about my life if I don't even know your names." I say hinting for their names.

"Oh. Excuse my rudeness." Says the bronze haired boy. "I'm Finnick, and this is my girlfriend Annie." He says pointing to the pretty red head sitting next to him. "This is Gale and his girlfriend Madge." He says pointing to a guy that looks like me, with dark hair and grey eyes. The blonde one is Madge. "And this is Peeta. He's a loner." Peeta is still staring at me, only he looks at Finnick when he says the part about him being a loner.

"Hey, cut it out man." Peeta murmurs to Finnick. I laugh.

"I'm Katniss. Katniss Everdeen."

"What a pleasure to meet you Katniss Everdeen." I nod and laugh.

"Well, anyways, Do you want anything to drink?" They all order waters, except for Finnick, who orders a lemonade. I place their orders, and go wait other tables. But I still feel eyes on me.

I go get their drinks and bring them to table fifteen. "Waters and a lemonade. Are you ready to order?"



Katniss Everdeen is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.



I bring them their food and go on my break. I sit outside with To Kill A Mockingbird, and get sucked into the book. I look up fifteen minutes later and realize I should go in and get their plates. They're just finishing when I walk in I take they're plates to the back and go back out to tell them it was nice to meet them, but I find empty chairs, and a fifty dollar tip. I smile, and wash their table tucking the fifty dollar bill inside my book.

Hey everybody! 

We should talk. I love to talk! Feel free to message me, I'm going camping this weekend, but I'll respond before I leave or on Sunday, when I get back. We can be internet friends! Anyways, Thanks so much for reading! I love you all!


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