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I made a quick break toward the tunnels, praying the soldiers hadn't seen me. As I got closer I saw servants running in the opposite direction. I then realized the soldiers must have discovered the now not-so-secret exit. Time for Plan B. I quickly scanned my surroundings, looking for a quick escape. Seeing a window, I rushed over and was almost able to climb out, when I felt a large hand grab my ankle. The man forcibly flung me to the ground, causing my head to smash against the cold, hard floor. I felt the thick blood run down the side of my face and my head began to throb. By the time I attempted the stand, the same brute of a man who threw me had my arm in his viselike grip, preventing any immediate hope of escape. As I stood fighting my captor, I heard the clang of swords and the sudden, blood-curdling scream of Larissa. The massacre was over as quick as it had started, and though we were down the hall, I knew my family was dead. There was a small twinge in the pit of my stomach, but I didn't cry. My father didn't teach me much in life, but one thing I had aways remembered was when he told me, " Don't cry my darling Elizabeth, crying shows weakness. If you cry it gives your enemy the advantage, and they will use it against you, mark my words."

His words have constantly lingered in my mind, especially during my life as a servant, when I was subject to his and my sibling's mockery and abuse. Now they are gone and I'm being dragged through the palace, toward the street. When we reached the front lawn someone tightly bound my hands, and I got my first look at the ransacked town. The other soldiers were relieving the castle of as many valuables as they could carry. A man who I believed to be the captain was examining the prisoners and separating them in one of two groups. One group was composed of the stronger men and healthy women. The others were put in a separate group; I decided that meant they would be sold. Soon, the captain was only a few people away from me and I got a better look him. His uniform told me he was from the kingdom of Acadia. Based off of the way he carried himself not only was he a captain, but he more than likely holds an important position in the castle. "Captain" as I've nicknamed him, eventually approached me. After he looked me over, I was deemed satisfactory and roughly shoved in a carriage with other six or seven prisoners whom I assumed were also being sent to the king's palace in Acadia. 

The ride to my new home was long. No one spoke, but some tears were shed.  I thought of all the people who lost their lives today and the ones who survived. They have no where to go; they have lost everything. We all have. I don't understand why Acadia attacked us. We have always dealt peaceably with one another. Yes, we have disputes over things, but nothing worthy of destroying the entire country over. Their king just died, and all ready his son is taking entire countries. The new king is only a few years older than me, maybe 20 or 21 years old. I've never met or seen him before, but I hear he's a cruel man.

 I sat staring out a crack in one of the boards, thinking about what my life had become.All I had ever wanted was to be free. As a young girl, I hated princess lesson. I was always more of a tomboy. After my mother died, I tried running away, but I was caught and was severely punished. I'm determined this time will be different. No matter how long it takes, I will escape. I will be free. The doors suddenly opened, interrupting my thoughts. My new life was about to begin.  

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