13 Months and counting - Chapter 21

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It had been almost 13 months to the day since Merry , Pippin, Frodo and another lad called Sam, who Alora didn't know, left the Shire. News spread quickly of their departure, and pretty soon Alora, Ra and Tilia knew some details about why they had left. People said they would only be gone for a week or two, but weeks soon turned into months. Before the girls knew it, a year had passed.

It was early October, when Alora was sat in her new room. After her cousin, Sirry, had found her fathers will, her Aunt and Uncle were allowed to take the house. Alora was practically kicked from her home, and was now living with her friend, Tilia. She'd been living with her and her family for a good 9 months now, and enjoyed the company, but she missed her house. The memories it held, the smell, the front garden. But most of all, she missed Merry. Although Alora didn't like to show it, she was more independent than she had been before. She barely asked for attention, and wanted it even less. She only desired Merry's touch, his lips on hers, and wanted nothing more than to re-live their last days together. Alora often found herself writing songs and poems about their memories, and very rarely talked to lads anymore. She even visited Merry's mother on a few occasions, making sure she was okay.

There was only one thing other than this that had changed in the 13 months the boys had been gone. Ra. Alora tried as best she could to comfort her, but Ra had shut herself in, blaming Pippin's disappearance on herself. As many times as Alora explained, Ra didn't listen. She rarely smiled anymore, and spent most of her time alone. Something puzzled Alora quite often, the fact that Ra would walk past her window every day, at exactly the same time. She didn't notice until the late days in September, and didn't really think much of it at first.

That day in particular, Alora waited at her window. Watching, to see when her lonesome friend would walk past. It was five O'clock when Alora saw her, Mallyra, walking slowly up the path with the same, emotionless expression on her face. Alora quickly jumped out of her chair, and ran to the front door. 

"Where are you going in such a hurry?" she heard Tilia squeak from the front room. Alora turned to her best friend and smiled warmly at her.

"I'm going to check on Ra.." she smiled, opening the door. Tilia made a tutting noise, before calling after her. 

"You won't get her to speak.. nobody can. Not even her mum." Tilia sighed, watching as Alora trudged up the path behind her.

Alora followed Ra as quietly as she could, and ended up being lead to a small field around the back of a hill. On the top of the hill, stood a single tree, it's leaves just starting to show hints of gold. The hill looked out over Hobbiton, and most of the shire. Alora looked at the view in amazement, wondering how she'd never noticed it before. Looking around a little more, she spotted Ra sat at the foot of the tree, a small sketch pad in her hands. Alora sighed, and half smiled. Slowly, she walked over to her, and made Ra jump when she poked her head round the tree.

"So this is where you come," Alora smiled softly. Ra looked round at her, and half smiled. However, she didn't say a word. Alora tilted her head to one side, and sat down next to her, also leaning against the tree. 

"It's got a nice view this place.. how did you find it?"Alora asked, sighing a little. She watched as Ra began to smile, and flicked open her sketch pad to a picture she'd drawn of the view before them.

"I found it when I first moved here from Michel-Delving," she sighed, and then began to chuckle to herself. "I also met Pippin here," She giggled quietly, while looking down at the drawing. "This is what I was drawing, when Pippin fell out the tree and landed on me." She smiled at Alora, who was grinning at the thought. 

"Same old Pippin," she joked, looking down at the drawing. "I never knew you could draw like that.." Alora said, making Ra look round at her. Her blue eyes were still hiding her pain and heartbreak, but she was smiling. 

LOTR: The problems with Thursday - Merry Brandybuck FFWhere stories live. Discover now