8 Month Coma

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As I woke up I heard people talking while I was being blinded by these white lights. For some reason it was freezing in here. Then it hit me, I'm in a hospital! Dang it! I'm supposed to be dead!
"Oh great! Your awake!" Said a young but old man. He looked about 35.
"I wish I wasn't!"
"Judging by what we cleaned up off of your wrist, it seems that you have tried to commit suicide!"
"Well no duh! How did I even survive that fall? It seems impossible!" Gosh, this doctor is too cheery! Man, I wish Jeff was here. Oh! And Ashton! I have a huge crush on him! He's also best friends with Jeff!
"Hey, Doctor?"
"Call me Dr. James!"
"I'll call you what I want! But anyways, when can people visit me?"
"There is someone waiting in the waiting room right niw! Would you like me to call him in?"
"Well, yeah!" 5 minutes later Jeff, and some random girl walked in.
"I missed you so much!" And I gave him a huge bear hug. Then the snotty girl he brought scoffed.
I just yelled "Excuse me? When you don't get to see someone for 8 months, you kinda miss them!"
Her voice was SO annoying it was like listening to a chipmunk who was making it voice higher.
"You know, you would see him everyday for 8 months if you didn't go jumping off buildings!"
I cannot believe she just said that! How did she know? Did everyone know? Did she see me? Or does she live in the apartments? Maybe she was the one who called the police? Wait, why was she in my room? HOW did she know Jeff? Who does she think she is?
"Who are you and how did you know that?"
I looked at Jeff in disbelief. Did he tell her? He just looked at me worried.
"L- Liveo, th-this is m-my g-g-g-girfriend and her name is B- Brooke."
His what? I thought he was gay! I just stared at him with anger in my eyes! Like, seriously? How could he do this to me?
"Your GIRLFRIEND?! Jeff, I thought you were gay!"
"Heh, well I WAS until 8 months ago! I didn't want to end up having a crush on you because you were best friend!"
I seriously can't believe him!
"Oh! And let me guess, you told her about me too!"
"Well, no. I kinda called the news, and they broad casted it live across the USA."
After I yelled at him, a single tear dropped down my face. Did I seriously tell my best friend I don't want to see him? And now, the entire school know about me jumping off a building! I am going to get bullied more now! I can't believe my life!
The girl at the top is Olivia! Hope your enjoying my story so far! I'm trying to make the chapters longer for you guys!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2015 ⏰

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