Chapter 4: Fresh Meats and Popular Girls Don't Fit.

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Sam's POV 

I wake up. I look around and I see Harry across my window, changing. My eyes grew wide. He has abs.

No, not just abs, 6 pack abs! God, he's so dreamy.  I stand up and Harry sees me. I pretend not to see

him looking at me. Considering he stopped what he was doing..and the thing he was doing was

putting on his shirt. Yes, he stopped, dead cold on his tracks, just looking at me. I teasingly remove my

shirt in front of him, I was facing my bed, so my back was facing him. I throw my shirt on my bed and 

then turn to Harry who was now blushing and continues putting on his shirt. I put on my best confused

face and then I wave to him. He waves back. I close my side window..I wasn't going to remove my

pajama's in front of him! Anyway, I remove my pajamas and put on my pink shirt with the saying,

"Fuck The Haters." and then my red jeans. "C'mon Sam! You're going to be late!" Jenny screamed.

God, it was only 7:00 in the morning and you're panicking?! C'mon school is 8:00. I roll my eyes.

"I'm coming down!" I say, annoyed. "Don't put that tone on me!" Jenny screams. God, why am I stuck

with this bitch?! If you're wondering where dad is, dad's at work. He goes to work early, as early as

3:00 am. Yes. I open my door and go down. "What's for breakfast?" I ask her. "Cereal." Jenny says.

She doesn't cook, so dad does cooking...Pathetic isn't it? I get a spoon and my bowl. I eat slowly.

"Oi! Eat faster." Jenny says. "Shut. Up." I mutter to my self, not loud enough for Jenny to hear.  "

I get pissed and then slide the bowl across the table. "I'm late, right? C'mon let us go." I say,

sarcastically, getting my back pack from the couch and then sling it on one shoulder. "I thought you

could drive." Jenny says. "That's it! I'm going with Harry, I don't need to hear from your lazy fucking

ass." I say angrily as I get out of the house and then slams the door hard. I run to Harry's house and

then knock. John? answered. Oh c'mon, it's not my fault I forget his name! "Ah! Sam Henderson,

what is it you need?" He asks me.

Harry's POV

I wake up. Yes, vampires also sleep. I stretch my arms. I look at my arms. I've been working out, 

yeah. "Harry! Wake up! Louis' here." Dad says. "Yeah! WAKE UP! I'M HERE." Louis says as I cover

my ears. I open my window and then I see Sam's window open..yes, I opened it while she was

asleep. I get my shirt and my Jack Willies hoodie and then I get my tight jeans. Yeah! TIGHT JEANS!

Sorry. I then remove my pants and you know..necessities . Haha. I then put on my tight jeans and 

necessities..Haha. Sorry. I see Sam wake up, but I pretend not to see her. I start putting on my shirt.

Sam was staring I could feel her. I looked at her and she had her back on me. She started to

remove her shirt as I stopped what I was doing. I know this is weird but..DO I SOUND LIKE A

STALKER? Hehe, hehe, No. Anyway, she threw her shirt across the room and she turn to me as I

start blushing and continue putting on my shirt. Sam awkwardly waves and I wave back. She closes 

her window and I know why. I smirk to my self. I get my back pack and then sling it across my arm.

I open my door and it makes a loud noise. "HARRY STYLES. GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE." Louis 

says as I laugh softly. "Yeah, yeah." I say. I go down. "What's for breakfast?" I ask dad. "Blood." Dad

says as he tosses my a plastic of it. I bit the cover off and I start drinking. "I can't believe you guys

can drink that! I know I'm human but I drank one before, I vomited!" Louis exclaims. I finish my blood

and then glare at Louis. "Well, you should've tried it." I say as I roll my eyes. Someone knocks. "You

get it?" I ask dad. "Yup." Dad says as he pops the P.  He runs to the door. "Wow, he's fast." Louis 

says. Dad opens the door. "Ah! Sam Henderson, what is it you need?" I hear dad's voice. My eyes 

widened. "Yes! He's here." Dad says as I hear 4 feet walking to the kitchen. "Hey Harry." Sam says,

putting her back pack on the counter. "Hi! I'm Louis! Louis Tomlinson!" Louis says and he shakes

her hand. "Sam Henderson." She smiles as she shakes back. "Uh..why is there blood packs on the

table?" Sam asks awkwardly. "Dad's a doctor." I lie, that was often the lie we told people who saw

blood packs. "He..check's the blood?" Sam asks. "Yeah." I say. "Say Harry and Louis, wanna walk to

school together?" She asks. "Yeah!" Me and Louis say in unison.

Relationship with her is going well! I should take her to meet Liam, Niall and Zayn. Their my friends

anyway, all of them know what I am. biggie.


What ship name should we give Harry and Sam?

I have teams too!

Team Niall?

Team Zayn?

Team Louis?

 Team Liam?


Team Harry? 

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