Five: Never Stop Fighting

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"Gretal, you know you can trust me."

She turned to him and in that moment she saw the worry displayed over his face. So, she did something she didn't think she'd ever do. She wrapped her arms around Cooper's torso, bringing him closer and burying her face into his chest. And he tensed beneath her touch, like she was hot lava or something. Then, surprisingly, he hugged her back. His arms wrapped around her and he placed his chin on the top of her head.

The moment was perfect and Gretal wanted to cry, she wanted to scream and yell and just punch her dad in the face. She just wanted Cooper by her side. She sounded vulnerable, very  vulnerable. Then again, just because she curses and punches people (Jordan for example) doesn't mean she doesn't have a weak spot.

They stayed like that, Gretal feeling like a vulnerable wreck and Cooper feeling like it was his job to keep her safe. Both of them never felt so misplaced and uncomfortable before. Usually Gretal would be the one protecting Cooper and he would be the one feeling vulnerable and weak (no offense). Then again, it felt great for the both of them.

They both pulled away a few moments later. Gretal rubbed her arms, cheeks burning in embarrassment. Cooper scratched the back of his head, and he was pretty red himself.

"I-I'm sorry," Gretal stammered. "I-I-"

Cooper smiled. "I-it's okay."

"I just have a lot going on at home." She whispered.

He nodded. "C'mon, let's get to class."

Gretal nodded, smiling.  The entire way she watched him out of the corner of her eye as they walked. Her heart beating fast, her cheeks tinting red. Oh boy, she was in too deep.

. . . .

Once school ended Gretal said goodbye to Cooper, practically running to the warehouse. John opened the door for her, since he hasn't given her the pin yet.

Gretal quickly dressed and once she was in the training room she was pumped, ready to kick Summers' ass. Her entire body was just waiting to kick or punch something. John entered, cracking his knuckles. His hands were wrapped in gauze just like Gretal's, meaning he wasn't afraid to throw a punch or two.

"Now," John said, "just because you have a weapon doesn't mean the person you're fighting can't take it from you. Yeah, it helps to use a weapon, but it also helps to use what you got. Fists, legs, feet, head. Whatever."

Gretal nodded. She wasn't afraid to use her fists, she already used them before. She watched as John slowly circled her, her eyes narrowing.

"Arms up, fists a little less tighter before you break your knuckles, shoulders squared."

Uhhh, Gretal groaned inside. John was like a teacher who just liked bossing people around. Sort of like her drama teacher. That jackass was all, like, Gretal, sit straighter. Gretal, stop tapping your pencil. Gretal, shut the hell up.

John stepped forward, fist flying. Gretal made a run for it, Summers' fist barely missing her by an inch. She wondered what her mom would think when she saw the bruises, or what Cooper  would think. He'd probably go on a rant saying how dangerous it is for her to go on fights. And then her mom would just downright kill her. It was kind of like Peter Parker's situation in The Amazing Spiderman. If only.

Gretal stepped back and just thinking about her and the situation from last night sent her blood boiling. She tighten her fists - despite John's advice - and swung. Her fist connected with his chest and it sent him stumbling back. Gretal thank God that she had gauze around her knuckles.

Gretal didn't stop there. Since Summers was distracted she swung her leg under him, making him fall flat on his back. She stood above him, eyes narrowing as she thought about her dad and how he was a complete jackass. She reached down and grabbed John by the hand, pulling him up.

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