Chapter 12 - Chase finds a girl and Alex throws a fit

Start from the beginning


It wasn't until after training when we changing into comfortable clothing, that I found out how people were reacting to Sasha's new makeover and let me tell you it was hilarious.

"OH my gosh! You guys won't believe this!' Stephanie (a girl from the team) squealed.

"What? Spit it out already" Sally urged looking at her curiously and I giggled watching amused as the whole team listens in.

"Sasha a.k.a royal bitch has the worst tan ever! It looks damn hilarious!" She laughed and I shook my head anticipating their next question.

"Seriously? I wonder what caused that" Sally replies with wide eyes, taking this as my queue I cleared my throat.

"It's not what caused that, it's who caused that" I reply smirking, watching as realization dawns on their faces before they smile.

"Sasha is going to murder you!" Bree says with wide eyes, out of all of us she was the quietest and the sweetest, though I've only known her for a day....

"Well then I'll just have to be prepared won't I?" I smile and walk out the room excited to see everyone else's reaction.

Entering Algebra class I instantly gained the attention of a few girls who were staring at me with looks of awe, admiration and some even looked .... a little scared . That was new. Sitting down at my seat I was bombarded with questions from the two guys who have experienced my pranking ways.

"Tell me you aren't the reason behind Sasha's new carrot look" Daniel pleaded looking at me with a hopeful expression, Jake's reaction was the complete opposite.

"God that must be one of the greatest pranks ever! Nice work Mia" he sends me a wink and I laugh.

Once a player, always a player. I think to myself.Though I hope that doesn't apply to Chase, I mean Alex changed didn't he? So maybe Chase can too. Okay going off track there Mia. Turning my attention towards Daniel I replied.

"It's a roasted cashew look actually, not carrot. And don't worry it will only last two weeks".

That calmed Daniel down and his face broke out into a smile.

"Well in that case awesome job" he gives me a high five and out of the corner of my eye I see Lily looking longingly at Daniel. When she sees me looking she rearranging her face in to a smile but it seemed a little forced. I smile back and keep that reaction in the back of my mind.


Hushed silence broke out into the cafeteria when I entered, it was obvious that news travels fast in this school. I'm guessing the girls in the locker room passed along the snippet of information that I was behind the prank on Sasha. Which was exactly what I wanted!

I sat down at my table and said a quick hello to everyone, the band had now adopted this table as well so we were quite a big group.

"Uh oh behind you" Danielle warns me as I sit down. I turn around in my seat to notice Sasha storming my way with stupid 1 and 2 (I should really learn their names). She was wearing a full sleeved black shirt and tight black skinny jeans, obviously trying to cover up. I'm surprised she has such conservative clothing!

"You little bitch!" Sasha screams when shes about a foot away. If I thought the cafeteria was quiet earlier you could hear a pin drop now. It was clear everyone wanted to hear the confrontation that was about to happen.

I raise an eyebrow standing up so as not to give her a height advantage. I cross my arms across my chest mentally applauding myself for wearing 'intimidating clothing' . I was wearing black skinny jeans, a navy blue top and a leather jacket. I'm such a bad ass! I hooted mentally. "Yeah now would be a good time to focus Mia" the inner me warned.

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