The night before, Mark and I had talked and I explained to him that Zac agreed for us to be friends. I even got Zac to apologize to Mark as well, with a lot of persuasion, however, if you know what I mean.

"I don't mind." He replied smirking.

I rolled my eyes at him then we both headed down to my Camaro and made our way to the Pack's monthly dinner.

I entered the packhouse and immediately made my way to Zac whose back was facing towards me.

"Good evening Mr. Alpha." I whisper seductively into Zac's ear.

He immediately turned around and raked his eyes over my body. He growled and I soon found myself pinned to the wall.

"Are you trying to temp me my little mate. Do you know how many guys I'm gonna have to scare away tonight?" Zac said into my ear, growling slightly.

You must be wondering why Zac was acting like this? Well let's just say I was wearing something along the lines of a little black tube dress. It wasn't too slutty but it did show a fair amount of skin.

I giggled and pecked his lips, but before he could take it further, I slipped out of his arms and threw a wink back in his direction as I went off to look for Nicole.

Nicole's POV

I saw Jessica enter the packhouse and immediately went up to her mate. My heart clenched as he pinned her to the wall and whispered into her ear as she giggled. She quickly got out of his hold after kissing him and searched the crowd until her familiar blue eyes landed on my own and she smiled and made her way over to me.

"Everything's set for my plan. You're gonna have your mate before tonight is over and that is a promise." She said smiling at me

"Thank you so much for everything Jessica but what if it doesn't work. What if he still doesn't want me as a mate." I asked.

"Well it's his lost. But don't worry I'm sure before tonight is over he'll want you." She reassured me.

Jessica then went ahead to introduce me to my partner in crime for this evening, Mark and even though he was incredibly hot, he was nothing compared to Carter.

A couple hours later and the dinner was over, the adults had left and the party was in full swing. It was then that we decided to go ahead with our plan.

Jessica nodded at me and Carter and then left us to the rest. Mark then came over to me.

Carter was nearby, in hearing distance, leaning against the wall with a drink in his hand.

"Hey sexy, wanna dance?" Mark purred into my ear, low enough to be seductive but loud enough for Carter to hear. From the corner of my eye, I saw Carter crumple the cup that was in his hand and he started shaking slightly.

"Sure." I replied blushing slightly.

We made our way to the dance floor and Mark immediately pulled me so that my front was pressed against him and started dancing slow and seductively. As the beat picked up, he turned me around, grasping my hips and ground his crotch against my butt. He then slowly began pressing kisses from my shoulder until he reached my cheek. He flipped me back around and crashed his lips to mine. He grasped my butt in his hand and continued grinding against me.

"Wanna take this inside babe?" he asked huskily and after I nodded, pulled me into the living room where he continued the plan, by pushing me up against the wall and continued kissing me.

All of a sudden there was a loud growl and he was ripped from me and thrown against the opposite wall. I looked up to see a furious Carter.

"SHE'S MINE!!" He shouted as he made his way over to a dazed Mark and began punching him mercilessly.

"Carter stop it!" I screamed as I tried to pull him off of Mark. He got off of Mark and grabbed me by my waist and pulled me to him.

"What were you doing with him!? Your mine!!" he growled.

"You rejected me remember?!" I screamed as tears welled up in my eyes and spilled over onto my cheeks.

"I'm so sorry Nicole. Please, please forgive me. That was the biggest, stupidest mistake I have ever made. Please forgive me." He said as he nuzzled my neck.

"I forgive you." I whispered.

He pulled back from my neck as if he was shocked and asked, " Really?"

I nodded and he smiled and pressed his lips to mine in a sweet kiss. He pulled back and put his hand on either sides of my face and caressed my cheek.

"I'm gonna spend the rest of my life making this up to you Nicole, I promise. I-I love you Nicole." He said

"I love you too Carter." I replied smiling.


Well? What do you guys think? Were you guys expecting that? Hope you enjoyed this chapter guys

Jesdica's dress to the side -------->

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